What's New at AeroBaseGroup.com?

Quick Search

Improved search functionality gives you more information at a quick glance as well as serves you more accurate and relative results. Search by part number, national stock number, NIIN, cage code, company name, or end item application.

Advanced Search

If you are looking for an item without knowing the NSN or part number you can use our advanced search feature to search by one or more characteristics of the product such as thread size, color, material, shape, size, weight, dimensions, and many more. When signed in to aerobasegroup.com you may also save custom searches for later use.
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Paints, Lacquers, and Enamels

If you're searching for a paint, finish, enamel, or lacquer but don't know the item or serial number to search with. Now you can search by gloss designation, size, color name, and/or color chip number to find all products available that fits your criteria.
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Drilldown, Catalogs, and Tools

We've added even more search and drilldown capabilities that organize our catalog better than ever before to ensure our customers and guests to our website have the ability to find the parts and information they are looking for.

Detailed Information

Color samples, accurate clear images, detailed product descriptions, and detailed specification datasheets help you determine the NSN or part number your are looking at matches your requirements.

Email This Page

Email product and NSN information from any NSN page. See example below.

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