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Part Number
lens-navigation light assy
A1280-2 AN3042-1
Applicable aircraft models:
beechcraft corporation / hbc (a23-19, 19a, b19, 23, a23, a23a, b23 , c23, a23-24, a24, a24r, b24r, c24r, f33, g33, f33a, f33c, 35, a35, b35, c35, d35, e35, f35, g35, v35b, 36, a36, g36, a36tc, b36tc, e55 (e55a), 95-b55, e55, 58, g58, a56tc, 58p, 58tc, a60, b60, 65, 65-80, 65-90, 65-a90, c90a, c90gt, f90, 99, b99, c99, 100, a100, b100, 200, 200t, 200c, 200ct, a200 (c-12a), a200 (c-12c), a200c (uc-12b), b200c (uc-12f), a200ct (c-12d), a200ct (c-12f), b200c (uc-12m), b200c (c-12f), b200, b200t, b200c, b200ct, 300, 300lw, 350 (b300), 350c (b300c), 1900, 1900c, 1900c, 1900d) cessna (152, a152, f152, fa152, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172m, 172n, 172p, f172m, f172n, f172p, 172q, 172r, 172s, 177rg, f177rg, 182p, 182q, 182r, t182, f182p, f182q, r182, tr182, fr182, 188, a188, 188a, a188a, 188b, a188b, a188b, t188c, 206, u206, p206, u206f, tu206f, u206g, tu206g, 206h, t206h, 210k, t210k, 210l, t210l, 210m, t210m, 210n, t210n, t303, 310f, 310g, 310h, 310 i, 310j, 310k, 310r, t310r, 335, 337, 337a, 337b, t337b, 337c, t337c, 337d, t337d, 340, 340a, 401, 401a, 401b, 402, 402a, 402b, 402c, 404, 406, 414, 414a, 421, 421a, 421b, 421c, 425, 441, 501, 551)
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Part Number
lh aft window
Cessna 0515027-11
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (172q, 172p)
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Part Number
lh doorpost
Cessna 0515026-19
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (172p)
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Part Number
lh elevator tip
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, p172, 172r, 172s, 172rg, r172k)
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Part Number
lh lower strut cuff
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 175k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172rg, p172, r172k, 172r, 172s175, 175a, 175b, 175c)
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Part Number
lh lower strut fairing
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r, 172s, 175, 172rg, r172k)
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Part Number
lh upper gear fairing
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (172m, 172n, 172p)
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Part Number
lh upper strut cuff
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, r172k172rg, 172r, 172s)
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Part Number
lh wheel pant
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (150l(s/n 15074851 thru 15075781), a150l (a1500430 thru a1500523), a150m, 150m, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r, 172s, r172k, 182p (s/n 18263476 & on), 182q, 182r, t182, 182s, u206f, tu206f, u206g, tu206g, 206h, t206h)
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Part Number
Grove P/N 66-111
Applicable aircraft models:
sky international inc. (a-1, a-1a, a-1b, a-1c-180, a-1c-200 as modified by stc sa00637ch) cessna aircraft company (172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 175, as modified by stc sa00674ch) cessna aircraft company (170a, 170b as modified by stc sa00804ch) piper aircraft, inc. (pa-12, pa-12s modified by stc sa00901ch) piper aircraft, inc. (pa-18a-135, pa-18as-135, pa-18s-135, pa-18s-150, pa-18-150, pa-18as-150, pa-18a-150, pa-18-135(army l-21b) as modified by stc sa00713ch) american champion aircraft corp (8gcbc as modified by stc sa00763ch)
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Part Number
lock ring, nose strut
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (150 s/n all, 150a s/n all, 150b s/n all, 150c s/n all, 150d s/n all, 150e s/n all, 150f s/n all, 150g s/n all, 150h s/n all, 150j s/n all, 150k s/n all, 150l s/n all, 150m s/n all, a150k s/n all, a150l s/n all, a150m s/n all, f150f s/n all, f150g s/n all, f150h s/n all, f150j s/n all, f150k s/n all, f150l s/n all, f150m s/n all, fa150k s/n all, fa150l s/n all, fa150m (with fka150-2311 and fka150-2316) s/n all, fra150l s/n all, fra150m s/n all, 152 s/n all, a152 s/n all, f152 s/n all, fa152 s/n all, 172 s/n all, 172a s/n all, 172b s/n all, 172c s/n all, 172d s/n all, 172e s/n all, 172f (t-41a) s/n all, 172g s/n all, 172h (t-41a) s/n all, 172i s/n all, 172k s/n all, 172l s/n all, 172m s/n all, 172n s/n all, 172p s/n all, 172q s/n all, 172r s/n all, 172rg s/n all, 172s s/n all, f172d s/n all, f172e s/n all, f172f s/n all, f172g s/n all, f172h s/n all, f172k s/n all, f172l s/n all, f172m s/n all, f172n s/n all, f172p s/n all, fp172 s/n all, fr172e s/n all, fr172f s/n all, fr172g s/n all, fr172h s/n all, fr172j s/n all, fr172k s/n all, p172d s/n all, r172k s/n all, 175 s/n all, 175a s/n all, 175b s/n all, 175c s/n all, 177rg s/n all, f177rg s/n all, 182 s/n all, 182a s/n all, 182b s/n all, 182c s/n all, 182d s/n all, 182e s/n all, 182f s/n all, 182g s/n all, 182h s/n all, 182j s/n all, 182k s/n all, 182l s/n all, 182m s/n all, 182n s/n all, 182p s/n all, 182q s/n all, 182r s/n all, 182s s/n all, 182t s/n all, f182p s/n all, f182q s/n all, fr182 s/n all, r182 s/n all, t182 s/n all, t182t s/n all, tr182 s/n all, 210-5 (205) s/n all, 210-5a (205a) s/n all, 206 s/n all, 206h s/n all, p206 s/n all, p206a s/n all, p206b s/n all, p206c s/n all, p206d s/n all, p206e s/n all, t206h s/n all, tp206a s/n all, tp206b s/n all, tp206c s/n all, tp206d s/n all, tp206e s/n all, tu206a s/n all, tu206b s/n all, tu206c s/n all, tu206d s/n all, tu206e s/n all, tu206f s/n all, tu206g s/n all, u206 s/n all, u206a s/n all, u206b s/n all, u206c s/n all, u206d s/n all, u206e s/n all, u206f s/n all, u206g s/n all, 207 s/n all, 207a s/n all, t207 s/n all, t207a s/n all, 210 s/n all, 210a s/n all, 210b s/n all, 210c s/n all, 210d s/n all, 210e s/n all, 210f s/n all, 210j s/n all, 210k s/n all, 210l s/n all, 210m s/n all, 210n s/n all, 210r s/n all, p210n s/n all, p210r s/n all, t210f s/n all, t210j s/n all, t210k s/n all, t210l s/n all, t210m s/n all, t210n s/n all, t210r s/n all, t303 s/n all, 310 s/n all, 310b s/n all, 310c s/n all, 310d s/n all, 310f s/n all, 310g s/n all, 310h s/n all, 310i s/n all, 310j s/n all, 310j-1 s/n all, 310k s/n all, 310l s/n all, 310n s/n all, 310p s/n all, 310q s/n all, 320 s/n all, 320-1 s/n all, 320a s/n all, 320b s/n all, 320c s/n all, 320d s/n all, 320e s/n all, 320f s/n all, 336 s/n all, 337 s/n all, 337a (usaf o2b) s/n all, 337b s/n all, 337c s/n all, 337d s/n all, 337e s/n all, 337f s/n all, 337g s/n all, 337h s/n all, f337e s/n all, f337f s/n all, f337g s/n all, f337h s/n all, ft337e s/n all, ft337f s/n all, ft337gp (fp337) s/n all, ft337hp (fp337h) s/n all, p337h s/n all, t337b s/n all, t337c s/n all, t337d s/n all, t337e s/n all, t337f s/n all, t337h s/n all, t337h-sp s/n all)
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Part Number
lock ring, nose strut
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (150 s/n all, 150a s/n all, 150b s/n all, 150c s/n all, 150d s/n all, 150e s/n all, 150f s/n all, 150g s/n all, 150h s/n all, 150j s/n all, 150k s/n all, 150l s/n all, 150m s/n all, a150k s/n all, a150l s/n all, a150m s/n all, f150f s/n all, f150g s/n all, f150h s/n all, f150j s/n all, f150k s/n all, f150l s/n all, f150m s/n all, fa150k s/n all, fa150l s/n all, fa150m (with fka150-2311 and fka150-2316) s/n all, fra150l s/n all, fra150m s/n all, 152 s/n all, a152 s/n all, f152 s/n all, fa152 s/n all, 172 s/n all, 172a s/n all, 172b s/n all, 172c s/n all, 172d s/n all, 172e s/n all, 172f (t-41a) s/n all, 172g s/n all, 172h (t-41a) s/n all, 172i s/n all, 172k s/n all, 172l s/n all, 172m s/n all, 172n s/n all, 172p s/n all, 172q s/n all, 172r s/n all, 172rg s/n all, 172s s/n all, f172d s/n all, f172e s/n all, f172f s/n all, f172g s/n all, f172h s/n all, f172k s/n all, f172l s/n all, f172m s/n all, f172n s/n all, f172p s/n all, fp172 s/n all, fr172e s/n all, fr172f s/n all, fr172g s/n all, fr172h s/n all, fr172j s/n all, fr172k s/n all, p172d s/n all, r172k s/n all, 175 s/n all, 175a s/n all, 175b s/n all, 175c s/n all, 177rg s/n all, f177rg s/n all, 182 s/n all, 182a s/n all, 182b s/n all, 182c s/n all, 182d s/n all, 182e s/n all, 182f s/n all, 182g s/n all, 182h s/n all, 182j s/n all, 182k s/n all, 182l s/n all, 182m s/n all, 182n s/n all, 182p s/n all, 182q s/n all, 182r s/n all, 182s s/n all, 182t s/n all, f182p s/n all, f182q s/n all, fr182 s/n all, r182 s/n all, t182 s/n all, t182t s/n all, tr182 s/n all, 210-5 (205) s/n all, 210-5a (205a) s/n all, 206 s/n all, 206h s/n all, p206 s/n all, p206a s/n all, p206b s/n all, p206c s/n all, p206d s/n all, p206e s/n all, t206h s/n all, tp206a s/n all, tp206b s/n all, tp206c s/n all, tp206d s/n all, tp206e s/n all, tu206a s/n all, tu206b s/n all, tu206c s/n all, tu206d s/n all, tu206e s/n all, tu206f s/n all, tu206g s/n all, u206 s/n all, u206a s/n all, u206b s/n all, u206c s/n all, u206d s/n all, u206e s/n all, u206f s/n all, u206g s/n all, 207 s/n all, 207a s/n all, t207 s/n all, t207a s/n all, 210 s/n all, 210a s/n all, 210b s/n all, 210c s/n all, 210d s/n all, 210e s/n all, 210f s/n all, 210j s/n all, 210k s/n all, 210l s/n all, 210m s/n all, 210n s/n all, 210r s/n all, p210n s/n all, p210r s/n all, t210f s/n all, t210j s/n all, t210k s/n all, t210l s/n all, t210m s/n all, t210n s/n all, t210r s/n all, t303 s/n all, 310 s/n all, 310b s/n all, 310c s/n all, 310d s/n all, 310f s/n all, 310g s/n all, 310h s/n all, 310i s/n all, 310j s/n all, 310j-1 s/n all, 310k s/n all, 310l s/n all, 310n s/n all, 310p s/n all, 310q s/n all, 320 s/n all, 320-1 s/n all, 320a s/n all, 320b s/n all, 320c s/n all, 320d s/n all, 320e s/n all, 320f s/n all, 336 s/n all, 337 s/n all, 337a (usaf o2b) s/n all, 337b s/n all, 337c s/n all, 337d s/n all, 337e s/n all, 337f s/n all, 337g s/n all, 337h s/n all, f337e s/n all, f337f s/n all, f337g s/n all, f337h s/n all, ft337e s/n all, ft337f s/n all, ft337gp (fp337) s/n all, ft337hp (fp337h) s/n all, p337h s/n all, t337b s/n all, t337c s/n all, t337d s/n all, t337e s/n all, t337f s/n all, t337h s/n all, t337h-sp s/n all)
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Part Number
locking square nut
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (150, 150a, 150b, 150c, 150d, 150e, 150f, 150g, 150h, 150j, 150k, a150k, 150l, a150l, 150m, a150m, 152, a152, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f (usaf t-41a), 172g, 172h (usaf t-41a), 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r, 172s, p172d, r172e (usaf t-41b), (usaf t-41c and d), r172f (usaf t-41d), r172g (usaf t-41c or d), r172h (usaf t-41d), r172j, r172k, 172rg, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 177, 177a, 177b, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, 182s, 182t, t182t, r182, t182, f182p, f182q, fr182, 185, 185a, 185b, 185c, 185d, a185e, a185f, 185e, 190 (lc-126a, b, c), 195, 195a, 195b, 206, p206, u206, p206a, tu206a, u206a, p206b, u206b, tp206b, tu206b, p206c, u206c, tp206c, tu206c, p206d, u206d, tp206d, tu206d, p206e, u206e, tp206e, tu206e, u206f, tu206f, u206g, tu206g, 206h, t206h, 207, t207, 207a, t207a, 208, 208a, 208b, 210-5 (205), 210-5a (205a), 210, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d, 210e, 210f, 210g, 210k, 210l, 210m, 210n, 210r, 210h, 210j, t210f, t210g, t210h, t210j, t210k, t210l, t210m, t210n, t210r, p210n, p210r, t303, 310, 310a (usaf u-3a), 310b, 310c, 310d, 310e (usaf u-3b), 310f, 310g, 310h, e310h, 310i, 310j, 310j-1, e310j, 310k, 310l, 310n, 310p, t310p, 310q, t310q, 310r, t310r, 320, 320-1, 320a, 320b, 320c, 320d, 320e, 320f, 335, 340, 340a, 336, 337, 337e, 337a (usaf 02b), t337e, 337b, 337f, m337b (usaf 02a), t337f, t337b, 337g, 337c, t337g, t337c, 337h, 337d, p337h, t337d, t337h, t337h-sp, 401, 401a, 401b, 402, 402a, 402b, 402c, 404, 406, f406, 411, 411a, 414, 414a, 421, 421a, 421b, 421c, 425, 441, 500, 501, 550, 551, 525, 525a, s550, 552, 560, 560xl, 650, 750) hawker beechcraft (18a, s18a, 19a, b19, m19a, 23, a23, a23a, a23-19, a23-24, b23, c23, a24, a24r, b24r, c24r, 35, a35, b35, c35, d35, e35, f35, g35, 35r, 35-33, 35-a33, 35-b33, 35-c33, 35-c33a, e33, e33a, e33c, f33, f33a, f33c, g33, h35, j35, k35, m35, n35, p35, s35, v35, v35a, v35b, 36, a36, a36tc, b36tc, 45 (yt-34), a45 (t-34a, b-45), d45 (t-34b), 50 (l-23a), b50 (l-23b), c50, d50 (l-23e), d50a, d50b, d50c, d50e, d50e-5990, e50 (l-23d, rl-23d), f50, g50, h50, j50, b95a, d95a, e95, 95-a55, 95-b55, 95-b55b (t-42a), 95-c55, 95-c55a, d55, d55a, e55, e55a, 56tc, a56tc, 58, 58a, 95, b95, 58p, 58pa, 58tc, 58tca, 60, a60, b60, 76, 77, 65, 65-a90-1, 65-a90-2, 65-a90-3, 65-a90-4, a65, a65-8200, 65-80, 65-a80, 65-a80-880, 65-b80, 65-88, 65-90, 65-a90, 70, b90, c90, c90a, e90, f90, h90, 99, 99a, 99a (fach), a99, a99a, b99, c99, 100, a100 (u-21f), a100a, a100c, b100, a100-1 (u-21j), a200 (c-12a), a200 (c-12c), a200c (uc-12b), a200ct (c-12d), a200ct (fwc-12d), a200ct (c-12f), a200ct (rc-12d), a200ct (rc-12g), a200ct (rc-12h), a200ct (rc-12k), a200ct, (rc-12p), a200ct (rc-12q), b200c (c-12f), b200c (uc-12m), b200c (c-12r), b200c (uc-12f), 200, 200c, 200ct, 200t, b200, b200c, b200ct, b200t, 300, 300lw, b300, b300c, mu-300-10, 400, 400a, 400t, 1900, 1900c, 1900c (c-12j), 1900d, 2000, 2000a, 3000) hawker beechcraft (dh.125 series 1a, dh.125 series 1a/r-522, dh.125 series 1a-522, dh.125 series 1a/s-522, hs.125 series 1b, hs.125 series 1b-522, hs.125 series 1b/r-522, hs.125 series 1b/s-522, dh.125 series 3a, hs.125 series 3b, dh.125 series 3a/r, hs.125 series 3b/r, dh.125 series 3a/ra, hs.125 series 3b/ra, hs.125 series 3b/rb, hs.125 series 3b/rc, hs.125 series f3b, hs.125 series f3b/ra, bh.125 series, 400a, dh.125 series 400a, hs.125 series 400b, hs.125 series 400b/1, hs.125 series 401b, hs.125 series 403a(c), hs.125 series 403b, hs.125 series f400b, hs.125 series f403b, bh.125 series 600a, hs.125 series 600a, hs.125 series 600b, hs.125 series 600b/1, hs.125 series 600b/2, hs.125 series 600b/3, hs.125 series f600b, hs.125 series 700a, hs.125 series 700b, hawker 800, bae.125 series 800a, bae.125 series 800a (c-29a), bae.125 series 800a (u-125), bae. 125 series 800b, hawker 800, (u-125a), hawker 800xp, hawker 1000, bae.125 series 1000a, bae.125 series 1000b) piper (pa-20, pa-20 115, pa-20 135, pa-20s 115, pa-20s 135, pa-22, pa-22-108, pa-22-135, pa-22s-135, pa-22-150, pa-22s-150, pa-22-160, pa-22s-160, pa-23, pa-23-160, pa-23-235, pa-23-250, pa-e23-250, pa-24, pa-24-250, pa-24-260, pa-24-400, pa-28-140, pa-28-150, pa-28-151, pa-28-160, pa-28-pa-28-161, pa-28-180, pa-28-181, pa-28s-160, pa-28s-180, pa-28r-180, pa-28r-200, pa-28-235, pa-28r-201, pa-28r-201t, pa-28-236, pa-28rt-201, pa-28rt-201t, pa-28-201t, pa-30, pa-39, pa-40, pa-31, pa-31-300, pa-31-325, pa-31-350, pa-31p, pa-31t, pa-31t1, pa-31t2, pa-31t3, pa-31p-350, pa-32-260, pa-32-300, pa-32s-300, pa-32r-300, pa-32rt-300, pa-32rt-300t, pa-32r-301 (sp), pa-32r-301 (hp), pa-32r-301t, pa-32-301, pa-32-301t, pa-34-200, pa-34-200t, pa-34-220t, t-34c, (t-34c-1), (34c), pa-38-112, pa-42, pa-42-720, pa-42-1000, pa-44-180, pa-44-180t, pa-46-310p, pa-46-350p, pa-46-500tp)
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Part Number
lower panel baggage compartment
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q. p172d. r172k) reims aviation, sa (f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172k)
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Part Number
lower strut cuff, lh
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna textron aviation, inc. (170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r, 172s, 172rg, p172, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c)
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Part Number
lower window fairing, rear
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q. p172d. r172k) reims aviation, sa (f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172k)
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Part Number
m5 black anodized aluminum spacer
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna aircraft company (172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172g, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r, 172s)
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Part Number
magnetic shield
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators 150, 150a, 105b, 150c, 150d, 150e, 150f, 150g, 150h), cessna (150j, 150k, a150k, 150l, a150l, 150m, a150m, 152, a152 170, 170a, 170b 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 1721, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r, i72s 177, 177a, 177b 177rg, 180, 180a, i80b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b), cessna (182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, . 182j, 182k, 182l 182m, 182n, 182r 182q, 182r, 182s, r182, t182, tr182 188, 188a, i88b, a188, a188a, a188b.t188c, 190/195 series, 190, 195, 195a, 195b, 206), cessna (p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e), cessna (tp206a, tp206b, tp206c, tp206d, tp206e), cessna (u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g), cessna (tu206a, tu206b, tu206c, tu206d, tu206e, tu206f, tu206g.206h, . t206h 207, 207a, t207, t207a, 208, 208a, 208b, 210, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d, 210e, 210f, t210f, 210g, t210g, 210h, t210h, 210j, t210j, 210k, t210k, 210l, t210l, 2i0m), cessna (t210m, 210n, p210n, t210n, 210r, p210r, t210r, 210-5, 210- 5a, 305b, 305e, c-145, 165), piper (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. pa-18, pa-18"105", pais"^", pais"^", pa-18"150", pa-18a, pa-18a"135", pa-isa" 150", pa-18as"125", pa-18as"135", pa-18as"150", pa-18s, pa-18s"105m, pa-18s"125", pa-18s"135", pa-18s"150", pa-18a(restricted)), piper (pa-18a"135" (restricted), pa-18a"150" (restricted) pa-20, pa-20s, pa-20"115", pa-20s"i15", pa-20"135", pa-20s"135" pa-22, pa-22-108, pa-22-135, pa-22s-135, pa-22-150, pa-22s-150, pa-22-160, pa-22s-160, pa-23, pa-23-160, pa-23-235, pa-23-250, pa-e23-250 pa-24, pa-24-250, pa-24-400), piper (pa-24-260, pa-25, pa-25-235, pa-25-260 pa-28-140, pa-28- 151, pa-28-150, pa-28-161, pa-28- 160.pa-28-181, pa-28-180, pa-28- 235, pa-28-236, pa-28-201t, pa- 28r-180, pa-28r- 200, pa-28r-201, pa-28r-201t, pa- 28rt-201, pa- 28rt-201t, pa- 28s-160, pa-28s- 180c pa-32-260, pa-32- 300, pa-32-301), piper (pa-32-301t, pa- 32r-300, pa-32r- 301(sp), pa-32r- 301t, pa-32r- 301(hp), pa-32rt- 300, pa-32rt- 300t, pa-32s-300 pa-36-285, pa-36- 300, pa-36-375 pa-36-285, pa-36- 300, pa-36-375, pa-46-310p, pa- 46-350p), univair aircraft corp (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. 415-c, 415-cd 415-d.415-e, 415-g f-1.f-1a a-2, a2-a m10), mooney aircraft (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. m-18c, m-18c55, m-18l, m-18la), luscombe (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. 8, 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 8e, 8f, t-8f), luscombe (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. iia), aermacchi s.p.a. (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. f.260. f.260b, f.260c, f.260d, f.260e, f.260f), air tractor (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. at-250, at-300, .. at-301, at-302, at-400, at-400a at-401.at-401a, at-401b, at-402, at-402a, at- 402b, at-501, at- 502, at-502a, at- 502b, at-503, at- 503a at-802a, at-802, at-602), stinson (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. 108, 108-1, 108-2, 108-3, 108-5), american champion (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. 7ac, 7aca, s7ac, (l-16a)7bcm, (l-16b) 7ccm, s7ccm, 7dc, s7dc, 7ec, 7eca, s7ec, 7fc, 7gc, 7gca, 7gcaa, 7gcb, 7gcba, 7gcbc, 7hc, 7jc, 7kc, 7kcab 8kcab, 8gcbc), raytheon (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. i9a, b19, m19a, 23, a23, a23a, a23-19, a23-24, b23, c23, a24, a24r, b24r, c24r t-34c, (t-34c-1), (34c) 35-33, 35-a33, 35-b33, 35-c33, 35-c33a, h35, j35, k35, m35, n35, p35, s35, v35, v35a, v35b 35, 35r, a35, b35), raytheon (c35, d35, e35, f35, g35 36, a36, a36tc, b36tc, d55, d55a, e55, e55a 58, 58a 58p, 58pa, 58tc, 58tca 76 77), bellanca (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. 14-19, 14-19-2, 14-19-3, 14-19-3a, 17-30, 17-31, 17-31tc 17-30a, 17-31a, 17-31atc), tiger aircraft (each aircraft model listed when equipped with a narco avionics, id824/ 825 indicators. aa-1, aa-1a, aa-1b, aa-ic aa-5, aa-5a, aa-5b, ag-5b)
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Part Number
main gear fender
Cessna 0541223-1, 0541223-2
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r)
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Part Number
main wheel fairing assembly - left
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (150l, a150l, 150m, a150m, 152, a152, r172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r)
View Item »
Part Number
main wheel fairing assembly - left heavy duty
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (150l, a150l, 150m, a150m, 152, a152, r172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r)
View Item »
Part Number
main wheel fairing assembly - right
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (150l, a150l, 150m, a150m, 152, a152, r172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r)
View Item »
Part Number
main wheel fairing assembly - right heavy duty
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (150l, a150l, 150m, a150m, 152, a152, r172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r)
View Item »
Part Number
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (120, 140, 140a, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f (usaf t-41a), 172g, 172h (usaf t-41a), 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r, 172s, p172d, r172e (usaf t-41b)(usaf t-41c and d), r172f (usaf t-41d), r172g (usaf t-41c or d), r172h (usaf t-41d), r172j, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 177, 177a, 177b, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, t182, tr182, r182, 182s, 185, 185a, 185b, 185c, 185d, 185e, a185e, a185f, 188, 188a, 188b, a188, a188a, a188b, t188c, 206, p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e, u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g, tp206a, tp206b, tp206c, tp206d, tp206e, tu206a, tu206b, tu206c, tu206d, tu206e, tu206f, tu206g, 206h, t206h, 207, 207a, t207, t207a, 336) reims aviation s.a. (f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, f182q, fr182, f182p)
View Item »
Part Number
Modification Part
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (120, 140, 140a, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f (usaf t-41a), 172g, 172h (usaf t-41a), 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172r, 172s, f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, p172d, r172e (usaf t-41b)(usaf t-41c and d), r172f (usaf t-41d), r172g (usaf t-41c or d), r172h (usaf t-41d), r172j, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 177, 177a, 177b, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, t182, tr182, r182, 182s, f182q, fr182, f182p, 185, 185a, 185b, 185c, 185d, 185e, a185e, a185f, 188, 188a, 188b, a188, a188a, a188b, t188c, 206, p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e, u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g, tp206a, tp206b, tp206c, tp206d, tp206e, tu206a, tu206b, tu206c, tu206d, tu206e, tu206f, tu206g, 206h, t206h, 207, 207a, t207, t207a, 336) reims aviation s.a. (f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, f182q, fr182, f182p)
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Part Number
manual electric trim system
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna (172m, 172n, 172p and 172q)
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Part Number
maplight 4
0713017-1, 0713017-20, 0713017-21, 0713017-22 1470089-10, 1470089-10-532, 1470089-14, 1470089-15, 1470089-15-279, A-1425A-2
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna aircraft company (152, a152, f152, fa152, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172rg, 172r, 172s, f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, p172d, r172e, r172f, r172g, r172h, r172j, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, 182s, 182t, 188, a188, a188a, a188b, 206, 206h, p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e, u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g, 210, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d, 210e, 210f, 210g, 210h, 210j, 210k, 210l, 210m, 210n, 210r, 336, 337, 337a, 337b, 337c, 337d, 337e, 337f, 337g, 337h, t337b, t337c, t337d, t337e, t337f, t337g, t337h, t337h-sp)
View Item »
Part Number
maplight 4
0713017-1, 0713017-20, 0713017-21, 0713017-22 1470089-10, 1470089-10-532, 1470089-14, 1470089-15, 1470089-15-279, A-1425A-2
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna aircraft company (152, a152, f152, fa152, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172rg, 172r, 172s, f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, p172d, r172e, r172f, r172g, r172h, r172j, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, 182s, 182t, 188, a188, a188a, a188b, 206, 206h, p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e, u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g, 210, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d, 210e, 210f, 210g, 210h, 210j, 210k, 210l, 210m, 210n, 210r, 336, 337, 337a, 337b, 337c, 337d, 337e, 337f, 337g, 337h, t337b, t337c, t337d, t337e, t337f, t337g, t337h, t337h-sp)
View Item »
Part Number
maplight 4
0713017-1, 0713017-20, 0713017-21, 0713017-22 1470089-10, 1470089-10-532, 1470089-14, 1470089-15, 1470089-15-279, A-1425A-2
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna aircraft company (152, a152, f152, fa152, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172rg, 172r, 172s, f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, p172d, r172e, r172f, r172g, r172h, r172j, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, 182s, 182t, 188, a188, a188a, a188b, 206, 206h, p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e, u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g, 210, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d, 210e, 210f, 210g, 210h, 210j, 210k, 210l, 210m, 210n, 210r, 336, 337, 337a, 337b, 337c, 337d, 337e, 337f, 337g, 337h, t337b, t337c, t337d, t337e, t337f, t337g, t337h, t337h-sp)
View Item »
Part Number
maplight 4
0713017-1, 0713017-20, 0713017-21, 0713017-22 1470089-10, 1470089-10-532, 1470089-14, 1470089-15, 1470089-15-279, A-1425A-2
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna aircraft company (152, a152, f152, fa152, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172rg, 172r, 172s, f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, p172d, r172e, r172f, r172g, r172h, r172j, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, 182s, 182t, 188, a188, a188a, a188b, 206, 206h, p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e, u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g, 210, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d, 210e, 210f, 210g, 210h, 210j, 210k, 210l, 210m, 210n, 210r, 336, 337, 337a, 337b, 337c, 337d, 337e, 337f, 337g, 337h, t337b, t337c, t337d, t337e, t337f, t337g, t337h, t337h-sp)
View Item »
Part Number
maplight 4
0713017-1, 0713017-20, 0713017-21, 0713017-22 1470089-10, 1470089-10-532, 1470089-14, 1470089-15, 1470089-15-279, A-1425A-2
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna aircraft company (152, a152, f152, fa152, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172rg, 172r, 172s, f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, p172d, r172e, r172f, r172g, r172h, r172j, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, 182s, 182t, 188, a188, a188a, a188b, 206, 206h, p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e, u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g, 210, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d, 210e, 210f, 210g, 210h, 210j, 210k, 210l, 210m, 210n, 210r, 336, 337, 337a, 337b, 337c, 337d, 337e, 337f, 337g, 337h, t337b, t337c, t337d, t337e, t337f, t337g, t337h, t337h-sp)
View Item »
Part Number
maplight 4
0713017-1, 0713017-20, 0713017-21, 0713017-22 1470089-10, 1470089-10-532, 1470089-14, 1470089-15, 1470089-15-279, A-1425A-2
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna aircraft company (152, a152, f152, fa152, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172rg, 172r, 172s, f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, p172d, r172e, r172f, r172g, r172h, r172j, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, 182s, 182t, 188, a188, a188a, a188b, 206, 206h, p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e, u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g, 210, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d, 210e, 210f, 210g, 210h, 210j, 210k, 210l, 210m, 210n, 210r, 336, 337, 337a, 337b, 337c, 337d, 337e, 337f, 337g, 337h, t337b, t337c, t337d, t337e, t337f, t337g, t337h, t337h-sp)
View Item »
Part Number
maplight 4
0713017-1, 0713017-20, 0713017-21, 0713017-22 1470089-10, 1470089-10-532, 1470089-14, 1470089-15, 1470089-15-279, A-1425A-2
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna aircraft company (152, a152, f152, fa152, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172rg, 172r, 172s, f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, p172d, r172e, r172f, r172g, r172h, r172j, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, 182s, 182t, 188, a188, a188a, a188b, 206, 206h, p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e, u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g, 210, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d, 210e, 210f, 210g, 210h, 210j, 210k, 210l, 210m, 210n, 210r, 336, 337, 337a, 337b, 337c, 337d, 337e, 337f, 337g, 337h, t337b, t337c, t337d, t337e, t337f, t337g, t337h, t337h-sp)
View Item »
Part Number
maplight 4
0713017-1, 0713017-20, 0713017-21, 0713017-22 1470089-10, 1470089-10-532, 1470089-14, 1470089-15, 1470089-15-279, A-1425A-2
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna aircraft company (152, a152, f152, fa152, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172rg, 172r, 172s, f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, p172d, r172e, r172f, r172g, r172h, r172j, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, 182s, 182t, 188, a188, a188a, a188b, 206, 206h, p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e, u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g, 210, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d, 210e, 210f, 210g, 210h, 210j, 210k, 210l, 210m, 210n, 210r, 336, 337, 337a, 337b, 337c, 337d, 337e, 337f, 337g, 337h, t337b, t337c, t337d, t337e, t337f, t337g, t337h, t337h-sp)
View Item »
Part Number
maplight 6
0713017-1, 0713017-20, 0713017-21, 0713017-22 1470089-10, 1470089-10-532, 1470089-14, 1470089-15, 1470089-15-279, A-1425A-2
Applicable aircraft models:
cessna aircraft company (152, a152, f152, fa152, 170, 170a, 170b, 172, 172a, 172b, 172c, 172d, 172e, 172f, 172g, 172h, 172i, 172k, 172l, 172m, 172n, 172p, 172q, 172rg, 172r, 172s, f172d, f172e, f172f, f172g, f172h, f172k, f172l, f172m, f172n, f172p, fr172e, fr172f, fr172g, fr172h, fr172j, fr172k, p172d, r172e, r172f, r172g, r172h, r172j, r172k, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d, 180e, 180f, 180g, 180h, 180j, 180k, 182, 182a, 182b, 182c, 182d, 182e, 182f, 182g, 182h, 182j, 182k, 182l, 182m, 182n, 182p, 182q, 182r, 182s, 182t, 188, a188, a188a, a188b, 206, 206h, p206, p206a, p206b, p206c, p206d, p206e, u206, u206a, u206b, u206c, u206d, u206e, u206f, u206g, 210, 210a, 210b, 210c, 210d, 210e, 210f, 210g, 210h, 210j, 210k, 210l, 210m, 210n, 210r, 336, 337, 337a, 337b, 337c, 337d, 337e, 337f, 337g, 337h, t337b, t337c, t337d, t337e, t337f, t337g, t337h, t337h-sp)
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