Results for: All Teledyne Continental Parts

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Part Number
Teledyne Continental 530346
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (o-470-a, b, e, g7, j, k, l, m, r, s, u, tsio-470-b1, b2, b3, c, d, tsio-520-ae, af, b, bb, be, c, ce, e, eb, g, h, j, jb, k, kb, l, lb, m, n, nb, p, r, t, vb, wb, tsiol-550-a, e185-8, 9, 11, e225-4, 8, gtsio-520-c, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, io-346, io-470-d, e, f, g, l, l15, l19, l21, l22, m, n12, p, r, s, u, v, v6, io-520-a, c, cb, d, d10, d15, e, e3, e6, f, f7, j, k, l, m, mb, io-550-a, c, d, e, f, g, l, ltsio-520-ae, ae3)
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Part Number
Precision Airmotive Facet/Marvel-Schebler 15-A1 Consolidated Fuel Systems CF15-A1
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a-50 series a-65 series a-75 series c-75 series c-85 series c-90 series c-115 series o-200 series c-125 series c-145 series o-300 series go-300 series o-470 series) lycoming (o-235 series o-320 series except d1d o-360 series except a1g6d, f1a6, g1a6, c1f, a4k, a4g, a4d, a1h6, e1a6d. lo-360 series except a1g6d. vo-435 series tvo-435 series o-540 series except j1c5d, j3c5d, l3c5d, f1b5 vo-540 series) franklin engine co. (6a4-150 series 4a-235 series 6v-350 series ga-6a350 6as-350)
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Part Number
Facet Aerospace Products Company 15-42
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a-50 series a-65 series a-75 series c-75 series c-85 series c-90 series c-115 series o-200 series c-125 series c-145 series o-300 series) lycoming (o-235 series o-320 series except d1d) franklin engine co. (4a-235-b3 4a-235 series)
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Part Number
Precision Airmotive Facet/Marvel-Schebler 15-85 Consolidated Fuel Systems CF15-85)
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (replacement part for precision airmotive facet/marvel-schebler 15-85 when installed on lycoming and continental engines), textron lycoming (replacement part for precision airmotive facet/marvel-schebler 15-85 when installed on lycoming and continental engines)
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Part Number
Teledyne Continental 535666
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (o-470, io-470, gio-470, lio-470, gtsio-520, fso-470, tsio-470, e-185, e-225, io-346, io-520)
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Part Number
Teledyne Continental Part No. 626487
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (c-125-2 c-145-2, 2h go-300-a, c, d, e io-360-a, c, d, g, h, j, k, io-470-c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, u, v io-520-a, d, e, f, j, k, l, io-550-d, e, f, l ltsio-360-e, kb ltsio-520-ae o-300-a, b, c, d o-470-a, b, e, g, j, k, l, m, r, s, u, tsio-360ra, b, c, d, e, f, gb, h, jb, kb, lb, mb tsio-520-ae, af, c, ce, g, h, m, p, r, t)
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Part Number
Teledyne Continental 537019
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (o-470, gio-470, e-185, e-225, gso-526, lio-470, io-470)
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Part Number
Facet Aerospace Products Company 15-B107
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a-50 series a-65 series a-75 series c-75 series c-85 series c-90 series c-115 series o-200 series c-125 series c-145 series o-300 series) lycoming (o-235 series o-320 series except d1d) franklin engine co. (4a-235 series 6v-350 series 4a-235-b3)
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Part Number
Facet Aerospace Products Company (Facet)Marvel-Schebler 15-A14
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a-50 series a-65 series a-75 series c-75 series c-85 series c-90 series c-115 series o-200 series c-125 series c-145 series o-300 series go-300 series o-470 series) lycoming (o-235 series o-320 series except d1d o-360 series except a1g6d, f1a6, g1a6, c1f, a4k, a4g, a4d, a1h6, e1a6d. lo-360 series except a1g6d. vo-435 series tvo-435 series o-540 series except j1c5d, j3c5d, l3c5d, f1b5 vo-540 series) franklin engine co. (6a4-150 series 4a-235 series 6v-350 series ga-6a350 6as-350)
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Part Number
Facet Aerospace Products Company 15-A48
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a-50 series a-65 series a-75 series c-75 series c-85 series c-90 series c-115 series o-200 series c-125 series c-145 series o-300 series go-300 series o-470 series) lycoming (o-235 series o-320 series o-360 series . lo-360 series vo-435 series tvo-435 series o-540 series vo-540 series) franklin engine co. (6a4-150 series 4a-235 series 6v-350 series ga-6a350 6as-350)
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Part Number
Facet Aerospace Products Company 15-A1
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a-50 series a-65 series a-75 series c-75 series c-85 series c-90 series c-115 series o-200 series c-125 series c-145 series o-300 series) lycoming (o-235 series o-320 series) franklin engine co. (4a-235 series)
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Part Number
Teledyne Continental 536379
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (tsio-470-b1, b2, b3, c, d, tsio-520-ae, af, b, bb, be, c, ce, d, db, e, eb, g, h, j, jb, k, kb, l, lb, m, n, nb, p, r, t, ub, vb, wb, tsiol-550-a, gtsio-520-c, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, io-346, io-470-c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, u, v, io-520-a, b, ba, bb, c, cb, d, e, f, k, l, m, mb, io-550-a, b, c, d, e, f, g, l, o-470-a, b, e, g, j, k, l, m, p, r, s, u)
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Part Number
Precision Airmotive Facet/Marvel-Schebler 15-58 Consolidated Fuel Systems CF15-58
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a-50 series a-65 series a-75 series c-75 series c-85 series c-90 series c-115 series o-200 series c-125 series c-145 series o-300 series) lycoming (o-235 series) franklin engine co. (4a-235-b3 4a-235 series)
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Part Number
Teledyne Continental 24252
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a65, a75, c75, c85, c90, o-200-a, b)
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Part Number
Teledyne Continental 24878
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (c125-2, c75, c85, c90, io-360-a, c, d, g, h, j, k, io-520-ba, bb, c, cb, o-200-a, b, , o-300-a, b, c, d, c145-2, 2h, tsio-520-b, be, d, e, j, k, l, n, ub, vb, wb, go-300-a, c, d, e, io-550-a, b, c, g, tsiol-550-a)
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Part Number
Teledyne Continental 535666
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (e165-2, e185-1, 3, 8, 9, 11, e225-4, 8, gtsio-520-c, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, io-346, io-520-a, c6, cb6, d, e, f, j, k, l, ltsio-520-ae, o-470-b, e, g, l, m, p, r32, tsio-470-b1, b2, b3, c, d, tsio-520-ae, af, c, ce, g, h, m, p, r, t, io-470-c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, u, v)
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Part Number
Facet Aerospace Products Company 15-B108
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a-50 series a-65 series a-75 series c-75 series c-85 series c-90 series c-115 series o-200 series c-125 series c-145 series o-300 series go-300 series o-470 series) lycoming (o-235 series o-320 series except d1d o-360 series except a1g6d, f1a6, g1a6, c1f, a4k, a4g, a4d, a1h6, e1a6d. lo-360 series except a1g6d. vo-435 series tvo-435 series o-540 series except j1c5d, j3c5d, l3c5d, f1b5 vo-540 series) franklin engine co. (6a4-150 series 4a-235 series 6v-350 series ga-6a350 6as-350)
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Part Number
Precision Airmotive Facet/Marvel-Schebler 15-42 Consolidated Fuel Systems CF15-42
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a-50 series a-65 series a-75 series c-75 series c-85 series c-90 series c-115 series o-200 series c-125 series c-145 series o-300 series) lycoming (o-235 series o-320 series except d1d) franklin engine co. (4a-235-b3 4a-235 series)
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Part Number
Teledyne Continental Part No. 24252
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a65, a75, c75, c85, c90, o-200-a, b)
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Part Number
AC and Teledyne Cont. Motors 1538633 where installed in AC 9051, 9867, 9076, 6861 and TCM 40585, 40695, 631391 fuel pumps
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a-65, a-65-8, -8f, a-75, a-100, c-75, c-75-12, -12f, c-85, c-85-8, -12, c-90, c-90-8, -8f, -12, -12f, -16f, c-125, c-125-2, c-145, c-145-2, -2h, o-200-a)
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Part Number
Precision Airmotive Facet/Marvel-Schebler 15-B108 Consolidated Fuel Systems CF15-B108
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a-50 series a-65 series a-75 series c-75 series c-85 series c-90 series c-115 series o-200 series c-125 series c-145 series o-300 series go-300 series o-470 series) lycoming (o-235 series o-320 series except d1d o-360 series except a1g6d, f1a6, g1a6, c1f, a4k, a4g, a4d, a1h6, e1a6d. lo-360 series except a1g6d. vo-435 series tvo-435 series o-540 series except j1c5d, j3c5d, l3c5d, f1b5 vo-540 series) franklin engine co. (6a4-150 series 4a-235 series 6v-350 series ga-6a350 6as-350)
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Part Number
Teledyne Continental Part No. 535666
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (gtsi0-520-c, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, io-346, io-520-a, c6, cb6, d, e, f, j, k, l, ltsio-520-ae, o-470-b, e, g, l, m, p, r32, tsi0-470-b1, b2, b3, c, d, tsi0-520-ae, af, c, ce, g, h, m, p, r, t, io-470-c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, u, v, e165-2, e185-1, 3, 8, 9, 11, e225-4, 8)
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Part Number
screw .
Teledyne , Continental Part No. 630692
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (i0-360-a, ab, c, cb, d, db, g, gb, h, hb, j , jb, k , kb, , ltsio-360-e, eb, kb, tsi0-360-a, aa, , b, c, cb, d, db, e, eb, f, fb, gb, h, hb, jb, kb, lb, mb)
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Part Number
screw, 5/16-24unf x 25/32 long, drilled hex head
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (e-165-2, 3, 4, e-185-1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, e-225-2, 4, 8, 9, io-346-a, b, o-470-2, 7, 7a, 7b, a, b, b-ci, e, g, g-ci, h, j, m, m-ci, p, io-470-a, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, lo, m, n, p, r, s, t, u, v, vo, fso-470-a, gio-470-a, lio-470-a, tsio-470-b, c, d, io-520-a, d, e, f, j, k, l, p, lio-520-p, tsio-520-a, ae, af, c, ce, g, h, m, p, r, t, gtsio-520-c, d, e, f, h, k, l, m, n, ltsio-520-ae, io-550-d, e, f, l, iof-550-d, e, f, l)
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Part Number
screw, 5/16-24unf x 5/16 long, drilled hex head
537019, 535737
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (e-165-2, 3, 4, e-185-1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, e-225-2, 4, 8, 9, o-470-11, 11-ci, 11b, 11b-ci, a, b, b-ci, e, g, g-ci, h, j, k, k-ci, l, l-ci, m, m-ci, n, p, r, s, t, u, io-470-a, c, d, e, f, g, h, l, lo, m, n, p, r, s, t, u, v, vo, gio-470-a, lio-470-a, tsio-470-b, c, d, io-520-a, b, ba, bb, c, cb, d, e, f, j, k, l, m, mb, n, nb, tsio-520-a, af, b, bb, c, ce, d, db, e, eb, g, h, j, jb, k, kb, l, lb, m, n, nb, p, r, t, u, ub, vb, wb, gtsio-520-c, d, e, f, h, k, l, m, n , gso-526-a, io-550-a, b, c, d, e, f, l, iof-550-b, c, d, e, f, l, tsiol-550-a)
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Part Number
screw, adjusting
Teledyne Continental 642335
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (tsio-520-ae, af, b, bb, be, c, ce, d, db, e, eb, g, h, j, jb, k, kb, l, lb, m, n, nb, p, r, t, u, ub, vb, wb, tsiol-550-a, gtsio-520-c, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, io-470-c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, u, v, io-520-a, b, ba, bb, c, cb, d, e, f, j, k, l, m, mb, io-550-a, b, c, d, e, f, g, l, ltsio-520-ae, o-470-a, b, e, g, j, k, l, m, p, r, s, u)
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Part Number
screw, alt gear
Continental 649205
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (io-520-ba, c, m, bb, cb, mb, tsio-520-b, d, e, j, k, l, n, bb, db, eb, jb, kb, lb, nb, ub, vb, wb, be, io-550-b, c)
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Part Number
screw, camshaft gear
Teledyne Continental 22534
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (c75-8, 12, 14, 16, 8f, 12f, 14f, 16f, c85-8, 12, 14, 16, 8f, 12f, 14f, 16f, c90-8, 12, 14, 16, 8f, 12f, 14f, 16f, o-200-a, b, c125-2, c145-2, 2h, o-300-a, b, c, d, go-300-a, c, d, e, f, e165-2, e185-1, 3, 8, 9, 11, e225-4, 8)
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Part Number
screw, crankcase gear
Teledyne Continental 22532
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (c75-8, 12, 14, 16, 8f, 12f, 14f, 16f, c85-8, 12, 14, 16, 8f, 12f, 14f, 16f, c90-8, 12, 14, 16, 8f, 12f, 14f, 16f, o-200-a, b, c125-2, c145-2, 2h, o-300-a, b, c, d, go-300-a, c, d, e, f)
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Part Number
screw, drive
Teledyne Continental 24764
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (tsio-520-ae, af, b, bb, be, c, ce, d, db, e, eb, g, h, j, jb, k, kb, l, lb, m, n, nb, p, r, t, u, ub, vb, wb, tsiol-550-a, e165-2, e185-1, 3, 8, 9, 11, e225-4, 8, gtsio-520-c, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, io-346, io-360-a, ab, c, cb, d, db, g, gb, h, hb, j, jb, k, kb, io-470-c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, u, v, io-520-a, b, ba, bb, c, cb, d, e, f, j, k, l, m, mb, io-550-a, b, c, d, e, f, g, l, ltsio-360-e, eb, , ltsio-520-ae, o-470-a, b, e, g, j, k, l, m, p, r, s, u, tsio-360-a, ab, b, c, cb, d, db, e, eb, f, fb, gb, h, hb, jb, kb, lb, mb, tsio-470-b1, b2, b3, c, d)
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Part Number
screw, hex head
Teledyne Continental 649205
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (io-520-ba, bb, c, cb, m, mb io-550-a, b, c, g tsio-520-b, bb, be, d, db, e, eb, j, jb, k, kb, l, lb, n, nb, ub, vb, wb, tsiol-550-a)
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Part Number
screw, rocker
Teledyne Continental 535091.62
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (a65, a75, c125-2, c145-2, 2h, go-300-a, c, d, e gtsi0-520-c, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, io-360-a, c, d, g, h, j, k, ab, cb, db, gb, hb, jb, kb, io-520-a, d, e, f, j, k, l, io-550-d, e, f, l ltsi0-360-e, kb ltsi0-520-ae, 0-300-a, b, c, d, tsi0-36o-a, b, c, d, e, f, gb, h, jb, kb, lb, ab, cb, db, eb, fb, hb, tsio-520-ae, af, c, g, h, m, p, r, t)
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Part Number
screw, rocker cover
535118, 649353-0.75
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (e-165-2, 3, 4, e-185-1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, e-225-2, 4, 8, 9, io-346-a, b, o-470-2, 4, 7, 7a, 7b, 11, 11-ci, 11b, 11b-ci, 13, 13a, 15, a, b, b-ci, e, g, g-ci, h, j, k, k-ci, l, l-ci, m, m-ci, n, p, r, s, t, u, io-470-a, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, lo, m, n, p, r, s, t, u, v, vo, fso-470-a, gio-470-a, lio-470-a, tsio-470-b, c, d, io-520-a, b, ba, bb, c, cb, d, e, f, j, k, l, m, mb, n, nb, p, lio-520-p, tsio-520-a, ae, af, b, bb, c, ce, d, db, e, eb, g, h, j, jb, k, kb, l, lb, m, n, nb, p, r, t, u, ub, vb, wb, ltsio-520-ae, o-525-1, fso-526-a, c, gso-526-a, io-550-a, b, c, d, e, f, l, iof-550-b, c, d, e, f, l, tsiol-550-a, b, c)
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Part Number
screw, round head
Roto-Master 600656
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (io-470-m, c, j, k, n, e, s, d, u, tsio-520-d, o-470-g, c1, a, j, k, l, r), textron lycoming (io-540-b1a5, e1a5, e1b5, c1c5, c1b5, c4c5, c4b5, k1b5, k1g5d, o-540-e4c5, e4b5, go-480-g1d6, o-320a, b, io-720-a1a, o-360-a1a, a1b, a1d, io-360-a3b6d, a1d6d, a1a, b1a, b1b, c1e6, io-320-b1a, c1a, lio-360-c1e6)
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Part Number
screw, starter
Teledyne Continental Part No. 633845
Applicable aircraft models:
teledyne continental (gtsio-520-c, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, io-346, io-360-a, ab, c, cb, d, db, g, gb, h, hb, j , jb, k, kb, io-470-c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, u, v, i0-520-a, b, ba, bb, c, cb, d, e, f, j, k, l, m, mb, i0-550-a, b, c, d, e, f, g, l, ltsi0-360-e, eb, kb, 0-300-d, 0-470-a, b, e, g, j, k, l, m, p, r, s, u, tsi0-360-a, ab, b, c, cb, d, db, e, eb, f, fb, gb, h, hb, jb, kb, lb, mb, tsi0-470-b1, b2, b3, c, d, tsi0-520-af, b, bb, be, c, d, db, e, eb, g, h, j, jb, k, kb, l, lb, m, n, nb, p, r, ub, vb, wb, tsi0l-550-a)
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