Part Number: 209-031-336-5

Description: Angle Bracket for Bell 209 NSN 5340-00-084-2789.

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Item Description:
Angle Bracket
Fabrication Method (non-core):
First Leg Length:
1.265 inches
Second Leg Length:
2.750 inches
Reinforcement Method (non-core):
Gusset center section
Second Leg Width:
2.280 inches
Second Leg Corner Radius:
0.250 inches
First Leg Thickness:
0.270 inches
Second Leg Thickness:
0.150 inches
First Leg Width:
2.280 inches
First Leg Corner Radius:
0.250 inches
First Leg Style:
Corner radius
Second Leg Style:
Corner radius
First Leg Angle:
88.3 degrees
Second Leg Offset Angle:
1.3 degrees
Special Features:
Spotface 1st leg two places 0.750 in. Dia
Style Designator:
Offset angle
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