Part Number: 209-071-400-103

Description: Main Frame Assembly for Bell 209 NSN 4931-01-084-3738.

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Item Description:
Main Frame Assembly
General Description:
C/o block assembly-fwd p/n 209-071-422-101; block assembly-rh p/n 209-071-440-101; block assembly-lh p/n 209-071-441-101; frame assembly-optical p/n 209-071-473-101; block assembly-lh wing p/n 109-071-479-101; block assembly-rh wing p/n 109-071-480-101; block align assembly p/n 109-071-495-101; target p/n 109-071-508-101; 24 washers p/n pd416; 2 washers p/n an960pd101; 12 bolts p/n ms20073-04-05; 12 bolts p/n ms20073-04-06; 2 screws p/n ms27089c1-04; 4 telescope p/n 7799773; decal plate p/n 100-089-2m
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