Part Number: 209-064-127-101

Description: Rigid Shaft Coupling for Bell 209 NSN 3010-01-562-1721.

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Item Description:
Rigid Shaft Coupling
Overall Length:
9.339 inches
Bore Diameter:
0.968 inches through bore and 0.970 inches through bore
Bore Diameter:
1.250 inches first end
Bore Diameter:
0.440 inches second end
Bore Length:
1.000 inches second end
End Application:
Bore Shape:
Straight first end
Bore Shape:
Straight second end
Bore Shape:
Straight through bore
Product Name:
Spring outer
Special Features:
2.940 inch diameter flange first end with 4 holes .208 inch dia, second end has 4 flats .440 inch equal distance apart, distance from side to side is "1.353! Inch
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