Part Number: 212-030-096-001

Description: Special Bolt for Bell 212 NSN 5306-00-470-8740.

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Item Description:
Special Bolt
General Description:
Steel, mil-s-5000, com 4340, cond c; 10920 in. Nom lg 0/a, 1.450 in. Shoulder dia, 9.050 in. Shank lg; 0.625-18 unf-3b internal thd 1.100 in. Lg; 1.061 in. Min 1.062 in. Maximum shank diameter tapered from 2.550 in. From thd end to 0.8745 in. Min, to 0.8757 in. Maximum od; 2eye holes 0.249 in. Min 0.251 in. Maximum diameter inkine across fork
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