Maintex, Inc.

United States
Cage Code: 0PWJ2
Type Code: A
Page: 1 of 8
National Stock Number
Item Description
porcelain cleaning solution
porcelain cleaning solution
porcelain cleaning solution
toilet bowl cleaning compound
toilet bowl cleaning compound
metal polish
Part Number:
2610001 polish
metal polish
furniture polish
furniture polish
rug and uphols cleaning compound
rug and room freshener
rug and room freshener
rug and room freshener
floor gloss restorer
nonbuffing floor finish
nonbuffing floor finish
nonbuffing floor finish
nonbuffing floor polish remover
nonbuffing floor polish remover
solvent-deterg cleaning compound
solvent-deterg cleaning compound
solvent-deterg cleaning compound
solvent-deterg cleaning compound
solvent-deterg cleaning compound
hard surface-f cleaning compound
hard surface-f cleaning compound
nonbuffing floor finish
hard surface-f cleaning compound
toilet soap
hair and body soap
Part Number:
114301 compound
solvent cleaning compound
Part Number:
162601 compound
solvent cleaning compound
Part Number:
162632 compound
solvent cleaning compound
Part Number:
1143051 compound
solvent cleaning compound
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