National Stock Number
Item Description
and simethicone magnesia alumina
usp isosorbide dinitrate tablets
multivitamin and iron oral solut
and orthophosp dextrose fructose
omeprazole extended-release caps
nifedipine extended-release tabl
nitroglycerin extended-release c
usp nicotine transdermal system
pseudoephedrine hydrochloride ta
usp doxycycline hyclate tablets
usp nicotine polacrilex gum
miconazole nitrate antifungal tr
ophthalmic irrigating solution
usp nicotine polacrilex gum
extended-release t acetaminophen
loperamide hydrochloride tablets
cetirizine hydrochloride tablets
fexofenadine hydrochloride table
us ferrous sulfate oral solution
metformin hydrochloride tablets
bisacodyl delayed release tablet
hypromellose ophthalmic solution
pseudoephedrine hydrochloride ta
benzocaine and menthol lozenges