F-16 Aircraft Support Equipment Parts

End item NSN parts
Filter By: Electrical Power Cables
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Part Number
8407 Electrical Power Cable
8760 Electrical Power Cable
A32704 Electrical Power Cable
C1604 Electrical Power Cable
J-C-580 Electrical Power Cable
J-C-580SEO6CK4/14EEJ Electrical Power Cable
J-C-580SO6CK4/14SRNJ Electrical Power Cable
M49285/01 Electrical Power Cable
MIL-C-49285 Electrical Power Cable
MIL-C-49285/1 Electrical Power Cable
OS1P18 Electrical Power Cable
UL 62 Electrical Power Cable
UL62SEO6BCK4/14TPETPE Electrical Power Cable

Support Equipment, F-16 Aircraft

Picture of F-16 Aircraft Support Equipment

Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) is a trading entity and organisation within the UK Ministry of Defence. It began operating on 2 April 2007 following the merger of the MoD's Defence Procurement Agency and the Defence Logistics Organisation, under the leadership of General Sir Kevin O'Donoghue as the first Chief of Defence Materiel.

The organisation had a civilian and military workforce of around 29,000 (77 per cent civilian and 23 per cent military), in the UK and abroad. DE&S operates as a single Top Level Budget. As of 2008 the DE&S workforce was around 24,500, further reducing under the 'PACE' business improvement programme to around 21,000 by 2012. Of this, around 8,000 posts have been housed at Abbey Wood since 2012.

Defence Equipment and Support was established on 2 April 2007.

DE&S is overseen by the Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology.

The organisation is under the leadership of the Chief of Defence Materiel, a four-star officer: an Admiral, General, Air Chief Marshal or civilian. After the restructuring in 2011 there are four three-star posts under the Chief of Defence Materiel. These are the positions of Chief of Materiel (Fleet), a Royal Navy Vice Admiral, and Chief of Materiel (Land), a British Army Lieutenant General (who also holds the appointment of Quartermaster-General to the Forces), Chief of Materiel (Air), a Royal Air Force Air Marshal and Chief of Materiel (Joint Enablers).

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