High Pressure Air Compressors Parts

End item NSN parts
Filter By: Dehydrator Cartridges
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Part Number
005-083-002-8 Dehydrator Cartridge
02-6941-02 ITEM 4 Dehydrator Cartridge
30026 Dehydrator Cartridge
4130-165-2-1 Dehydrator Cartridge
4130.165.2-1 Dehydrator Cartridge
AD30026 Dehydrator Cartridge
G-4072 Dehydrator Cartridge

Air Compressors, High Pressure

Picture of High Pressure Air Compressors

An air compressor is a device that converts power (using an electric motor, diesel or gasoline engine, etc.) into potential energy stored in pressurized air (i.e., compressed air). By one of several methods, an air compressor forces more and more air into a storage tank, increasing the pressure. When tank pressure reaches its upper limit the air compressor shuts off. The compressed air, then, is held in the tank until called into use. The energy contained in the compressed air can be used for a variety of applications, utilizing the kinetic energy of the air as it is released and the tank depressurizes. When tank pressure reaches its lower limit, the air compressor turns on again and re-pressurizes the tank.

Compressors can be classified according to the pressure delivered:

They can also be classified according to the design and principle of operation:

There are numerous methods of air compression, divided into either positive-displacement or roto-dynamic types.

Positive-displacement compressors work by forcing air into a chamber whose volume is decreased to compress the air. Once the maximum pressure is reached, a port or valve opens and air is discharged into the outlet system from the compression chamber. Common types of positive displacement compressors are:

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