MIL-R-3065 Fastening Devices

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NSN 5325-00-543-3862 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065,gr sb-512-abf2 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5325-00-543-3850 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065,cl sb-512-afb2 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5325-00-518-6531 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rn,gr rn mil spec 1st material response washer or mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rs,gr rs506 mil spec 2nd material response washer

NSN 5325-00-518-6525 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rs,gr 506 mil spec 1st material response overall and mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rn,gr 506 mil spec 2nd material response overall

NSN 5325-00-507-8761 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065 mil spec single material response overall


Any acceptable overall

NSN 5325-00-505-6758 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rs,gr rs609 mil spec single material response washer

NSN 5325-00-450-4506 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065 mil spec single material response overall


Black overall

NSN 5325-00-400-4050 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5325-00-386-1797 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rs,gr 506 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5325-00-360-2352 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065 mil spec single material response overall and 417 mil std single material response overall

NSN 5325-00-350-3112 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065 ty r,cl rn,gr rn506 mil spec 1st material response overall and mil-r-3065 ty r,cl rs,gr rs506 mil spec 2nd material response overall

NSN 5325-00-350-2842 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rn,gr 506 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rs,gr 506 mil spec 2nd material response overall

NSN 5325-00-350-2841 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rn,gr 506 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rs,gr 506 mil spec 2nd material response overall

NSN 5325-00-350-2839 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065,ty 4,cl rn,gr 506 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rs,gr 506 mil spec 2nd material response overall

NSN 5325-00-350-2428 Nonmetallic Grommet

Material Spec:

Mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rn,gr 506 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-r-3065,ty r,cl rs,gr 506 mil spec 2nd material response overall

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