MIL-S-5059 Spec. Parts

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NSN 5340-01-339-0385 Loop Clamp

Material Spec:

Mil-s-5059a fed spec single material response overall

NSN 5365-01-339-0253 Shim

Material Spec:

Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-5059 mil spec 2nd material response

NSN 4730-01-338-9599 Hose Clamp

Material Spec:

Mil-s-5059 mil spec single material response bandqq-s-763 fed spec single material response screw

NSN 5340-01-338-9378 Loop Clamp

Material Spec:

Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response band or mil-s-6721 mil spec 2nd material response bandams 3651 assn std single material response cushion

NSN 5315-01-338-8399 Machine Key

Material Spec:

Mil-s-5059 mil spec all material responses overall or qq-s-766 fed spec all material responses overall

NSN 5340-01-338-8387 Loop Clamp

Material Spec:

Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response band or mil-s-6721 mil spec 2nd material response bandams 3651 assn std single material response cushion

NSN 5365-01-338-7359 Shim

Material Spec:

Qq-s-766,cond a fed spec single material response or mil-s-5059,cond a mil spec single material response

NSN 5365-01-338-7356 Shim

Material Spec:

Qq-s-766,cond a fed spec single material response or mil-s-5059,cond a mil spec single material response

NSN 5310-01-338-7333 Flat Washer

Material Spec:

Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response overall and ams 5510 assn std 2nd material response overall or ams 5512 assn std 3rd material response overall

NSN 5365-01-338-6869 Shim

Material Spec:

Qq-s-766 fed spec single material response or mil-s-5059 mil spec single material response

NSN 5365-01-338-6865 Shim

Material Spec:

Qq-s-766 fed spec single material response or mil-s-5059,cond a mil spec single material response

NSN 5310-01-338-6847 Flat Washer

Material Spec:

Astm a240 assn std single material response overall or mil-s-5059 mil spec single material response overall or qq-s-763 fed spec single material response overall

NSN 5365-01-338-6364 Shim

Material Spec:

Qq-s-766 fed spec 1st material response or mil-s-5059 mil spec 2nd material response

NSN 5365-01-338-4174 Shim

Material Spec:

Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-5059 mil spec 2nd material response

NSN 5365-01-338-4173 Shim

Material Spec:

Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-5059 mil spec 2nd material response


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