Part Information
Jsteel, carbon 1020, cond a specification qq-s-631. Part no. 19207-11588261 consists of bar 19207-11652454 which is flat and bar 19207-11652455 which is bent at an angle. Both bars have 1.500 radius on the ends. The finished dimensionsof both bars after bending is 6.500 in. Lg; 2.500 in. W; 0.250 in. Thk; the bars are welded together. On the rightside where the bars form a step there is a 0.250 in. Hole drilled in line through both bars; centered on the widthand 1.250 in. In from the right end. On the left side where the bars are welded, there are three 0.250 in. Holes drilled; one is centered on the width and 0.620 in. From the left side. The other two holes are 0.620 in. From the center line and 2.000 in. From the leftside