Part Information
Kcnsists of aluminum allooy, ww-t-700/4, allooy 5052-0 two sleeves; aluminum alloy, qq-a-250/11, alloy 6061-0, two ends; nitrile butadiene rubber, one pad; 2.130 in. Lg; 0.880 in. W and 0.500 in. H; 0.375 in. Min and 0.385 in. Maximum hole diameter three places along the lg; 0.380 in. Distance from edge to first hole center along the lg; 0.680 in. Distance between first and second hole centers along the lg; 0.700 in. Distance between secnd and third hole centers along the lg; 0.249 in. Min and 0.255 in. Maximum hole diameter two places on longitudinal center line 0.720 in. From edge and spaced 0.690 in. Between hole centers; note 0.217 in. Min and 0.223 in. Maximum hole diameter two places in end before ad mtg; cromate, 5541, cl 1a, sleeves and ends