Part Information
Qelec ratings, 250 vac max, 5 amp res curr rating 50 through 400 hz; max rated nom or res curr no rating, 28 vdc max, 2 amp res curr rating at sea level, max rated nom or res curr not rated; motor 27 vdc; 2 terminals for motor/6 for contacts; time delay, switch terminating on pins no.3, 4 and 5 operates on 3.7 (porm 0.40)min time interval. Switch terminating on pins 6, 7 and 8 operates on 4.00(porm 0.40) min time interval between switch terminating on pins 3, 4 and 5 and switch terminating on pins 6, 7 and 8 shall be a of 0.15 min; o/a dims. Excl terminals 2-23/32 in. Lg, 2-23/32 in. W, 3-23/32 in. H; four 0.166 in. Diameter mtg holes on 2-5/32 x 2-5/32 in. Mtg ctrs; schematic setting and rated voltage appear on can; terminal no. 9 not used