Part Information
200local line capacity; 200local lines equipped for opr; switchboard data, common and local battery type, 3 opr posn, 48 v battery, dial not incl; 40 trunk lines; complement data, complement listing, 1, jcens, switchboard, telephone, manual, ty no.Sb-249/ttc, 1, jcens, telephone circuit line relay, ty no.Ta-223/ttc and ta-224/ttc, 1, jcens, telephone circuit trunk relay, ty no.Ta-226/ttc and ta-276/ttc, 3, jcens, main distribution frame, ty no.Ta-257/ttc, 3, jcens, base, stand, ty no.Mt-1132/ttc, 1, sig, panel, ty no.Bd-132, 4, sig, battery, ty no.Bb-46, 1, sig, pwr unit, ty no.Pe-75; spec feat, for rapid installation and removal by means of patching cable; jcens id data, central ofc, telephone, manual, ty no.An/ttc-7; for general purpose use; data regarding govt doc containing list of components, 4, technical manual, tm-11-2146