Part Information
Nsn is used to purchase a of 20containrs to a of 59 containers; al o 13ti o, clad; -30 +5 um; rc 70 hardness; texture/finish as sprayed 120-180 brushed or tumbled 60-80, ground 10-20, lapped 1-3; coating numbers p130sf-10 and p130sf-11; superfine aluminum oxide-titanium dioxide composite.Coatings are harder, denser and smoother as-sprayed than coatings of metco 130.Coatings are heat-resistant up to about 1000deg (f), and resist most acids and alkalies.Especially recommended for printing ink transfer rolls and textile parts contacting fibers and threads.Has high dielectric strength of 300volts/mil (1180 volts/0.1mm), in coatings 0.003-0.004 inch (0.07-0.1mm) thick.Higher insulating values obtained from thicker or sealed coatings.1020deg (f) maximum service tempreature