Part Information
Modification kit 9600 contains the following items: top chest; 2 bank roll cab with 11 drawers; 9600mod kit, tool control foam, 19 pcs; extractor set, 20pcs; drill bit, 35pcs; drill guide 10pcs; extractor set 5pcs; master rethreading kit; rethreading die 24pcs; rethreading tap 22pcs; set tap and die kit; taps 34pcs; die 33pcs; die socket 1pcs; tap wrench 4pcs; screwdriver die adjusting 1pcs; thread pitch gauge metric 1pcs; tap and die set, 1; thread pitch gauge standard 1pcs; table cutting set, 1; yoke assembly 1pcs; bar assembly 1pcs; adaptors 9pcs; table cutter 1pcs; metric wrench open end 10pcs; extension 33pcs; box wrench 15pcs; double end flare nut wrench 16pcs; open end wrench 11pcs; crow foot wrench 7pcs; combination wrench 49pcs; ratcheting box wrench 5pcs; metric combination wrench 39pcs; pliers 20pcs; locking pliers 3pcs; wire strippers 2pcs; scratch brush 1pcs; tooth brush 1pcs; l shaped wrench set, 1; hex key 26pcs; metric set l shape hex, 1; cleaner 1pcs