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5935-00-018-9363 Electrical Receptacle Connector

overall length 0.87in. ⁓7/8

12/29/2024 02:17pm
NSN 5935-00-018-9382 Electrical Receptacle Connector

contact maximum current rating in amps 50 single mating end single contact grouping

12/29/2024 02:17pm
5935-00-018-9361 Electrical Receptacle Connector

overall length 0.87in. ⁓7/8

12/29/2024 02:17pm
NSN 5935-00-018-9360 Electrical Receptacle Connector

contact maximum current rating in amps 7.5 single mating end single contact grouping

12/29/2024 01:17pm
5305-00-018-9315 Hexagon Head Cap Screw

hardness rating 23 rockwell c and 30 rockwell c

12/29/2024 01:17pm
NSN 8030-00-018-9532 Chemical Sealer

life industries corp. chemical sealer nsn 8030000189532.

12/29/2024 01:17pm
5950-00-018-9307 Radio Frequency Coil

overall length 0.341in. ⁓11/32

12/29/2024 12:17pm
5305-00-018-9303 Hexagon Head Cap Screw

thread length between 1in. and 1.188in. ⁓1-13/64

12/29/2024 12:17pm
NSN 5910-00-018-9277 Plastic Dielectr Fixed Capacitor

nonderated operating temp between -55 degrees celsius and 85 degrees celsius

12/29/2024 12:17pm
NSN 5961-00-018-9275 Diode Semiconductor Device

current rating per characteristic 2.5 milliamperes reverse surge current

12/29/2024 11:15am
5961-00-018-9274 Diode Semiconductor Device

overall length between 1in. ⁓1/64

12/29/2024 11:15am
5961-00-018-9273 Thyristor Semiconductor Device

overall length between 1.75in. ⁓1-3/4

12/29/2024 11:15am
NSN 5305-00-017-7827 Machine Screw

fastener length 3.5in. ⁓3-1/2

12/29/2024 10:20am
5305-00-017-7797 Machine Screw

thread length 1.75in. ⁓1-3/4

12/29/2024 10:20am
NSN 1660-00-017-7773 Airconditioning Parts Kit

airconditioning parts kit nsn 1660000177773. the end item identification is f-104g aircraft

12/29/2024 10:20am
NSN 4820-00-017-7767 Lift-check Valve

lift-check valve nsn 4820000177767. the maximum operating temp is 275.0 degrees fahrenheit single response

12/29/2024 09:46am
NSN 1650-00-017-7765 Fluid Filter Head

fluid filter head nsn 1650000177765. the overall diameter is 3.79in. ⁓3-51/64

12/29/2024 09:46am
NSN 5360-00-017-7764 Compression Helical Spring

compression helical spring nsn 5360000177764. the inside diameter is 0.54 inches

12/29/2024 09:46am
NSN 5930-00-017-7760 Switch Actuator Arm

switch actuator arm nsn 5930000177760. the end item identification is 2995-00-954-2829

12/29/2024 09:20am
NSN 1660-00-017-7756 Wa Separator Trap

wa separator trap nsn 1660000177756. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloy

12/29/2024 09:20am
NSN 5310-00-017-7573 Hexagon Plain Nut

hexagon plain nut nsn 5310000177573. the nut style is hexagon

12/29/2024 09:20am
NSN 5305-00-017-7511 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000177511. the fastener length is 2.5in. ⁓2-1/2

12/29/2024 08:50am
NSN 5305-00-017-7362 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000177362. the hardness rating is between 95.5 rockwell b and 100.0 rockwell b

12/29/2024 08:50am
NSN 5305-00-017-7398 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000177398. the head style is hexagon

12/29/2024 08:50am
NSN 5305-00-017-7355 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000177355. the thread class is 2a

12/29/2024 08:12am
NSN 5120-00-017-7331 Torque Wrench Adapter

torque wrench adapter nsn 5120000177331. the material is stainless steel

12/29/2024 08:12am
NSN 5120-00-017-7325 Torque Wrench

torque wrench nsn 5120000177325. the material is stainless steel

12/29/2024 08:12am
NSN 5120-00-017-7292 Terminal Crim Contact Positioner

terminal crim contact positioner nsn 5120000177292. the special features are turret head type

12/29/2024 07:41am
5975-00-017-7247 Electrical-electronic Eq Chassis

overall depth 6.343 inches

12/29/2024 07:41am
5305-00-017-7018 Tapping Screw

fastener length 1.25in. ⁓1-1/4

12/29/2024 07:41am
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