Avionic Instruments Llc

Category: Electrical and Electronic Assemblies, Boards, Cards and Associated Hardware United States
Cage Code: 10933
Type Code: A
Page: 1 of 1
National Stock Number
Item Description
Part Number:
1-001-0107-0177 board
printed circuit board
Part Number:
1-001-0107-0176 board
printed circuit board
Part Number:
0107-0209 board
printed wiring board
Part Number:
AF-013702 assembly
circuit card assembly
circuit card assembly
Part Number:
AF-0098-06 assembly
circuit card assembly
Part Number:
1300000-557 assembly
circuit card assembly
Part Number:
1-001-0107-0139 board
printed circuit board
Part Number:
0107-0142 assembly
circuit card assembly
Part Number:
0107-0115 assembly
circuit card assembly
circuit card assembly
circuit card assembly
circuit card assembly
circuit card assembly
circuit card assembly
circuit card assembly
Part Number:
200628 assembly
circuit card assembly

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