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NSN 4320-00-021-1351 Centrifugal Pump

centrifugal pump nsn 4320000211351. the stage quantity is 1. the discharge connection quantity is 1. the total head is 25 feet.

03/18/2025 11:27am
NSN 8010-00-021-1337 Traffic Paint

traffic paint nsn 8010000211337. other reference numbers include a86y12 and tm225. the cage code is 86972.

03/18/2025 11:27am
NSN 5998-00-008-4520 Circuit Card Assembly

nsn 5998000084520 circuit card assembly. overall length 3.031 inches. overall width 2.875 inches

03/18/2025 11:27am
NSN 3040-00-021-0809 Rigid Connecting Link

rigid connecting link nsn 3040000210809. another reference number is 154356. the cage code is 06kw9.

03/18/2025 11:00am
NSN 5961-00-020-7994 Transistor

inclosure material is made of metal. transistor nsn 5961000207994 overall diameter is 0.23 inches maximum. internal configuration is junction contact. the transistor has a terminal mounting method.

03/18/2025 11:00am
NSN 1560-00-020-7847 Main Landing Panel

general characteristics item description is aluminum7075-0 qq-a-250/13. main landing panel nsn 1560000207847 is manufactured by lockheed martin corporation. cage code of nsn 1560000207847 is 98897.

03/18/2025 11:00am
5306-00-018-1084 Machine Bolt

fastener length 0.625in. ⁓5/8

03/17/2025 05:34pm
NSN 5845-00-020-2748 Helix Wire Support

helix wire support nsn 5845000202748. other reference numbers are 829570 and 9200-5-508a. the cage codes are 04855 and 06141.

03/17/2025 05:04pm
NSN 1560-00-020-2691 Actuat Ball Screw

actuat ball screw nsn 1560000202691. other reference numbers are 3618-5 and b2579. the cage codes are 02121 088k1 and 00293.

03/17/2025 05:04pm
NSN 5820-00-020-2424 Duct Assy

duct assy nsn 5820000202424. the manufacturer is alcatel-lucent holdings inc.

03/17/2025 05:04pm
NSN 1560-00-020-2330 Radar Augmentation Radome

radar augmentation radome nsn 1560000202330. the end item identification is air launched target aqm37a. the manufacturer is beechcraft corporation.

03/17/2025 04:35pm
NSN 5330-00-020-2147 Oil Dam-coupli Seal

oil dam-coupli seal nsn 5330000202147. other reference numbers are 44054c and k674853-13. the cage codes are 79530 and 84955.

03/17/2025 04:35pm
NSN 5998-00-020-2143 Circuit Card Assembly

circuit card assembly nsn 5998000202143. the manufacturer is gould instrument systems inc.

03/17/2025 04:35pm
NSN 5930-00-020-0034 Switch

switch nsn 5930000200034. other reference numbers are 10814 and 11739-1revd. the cage codes are 28304 00638 and 27197.

03/17/2025 04:02pm
NSN 1620-00-019-9538 Towing Disconne Cap

towing disconne cap nsn 1620000199538. the manufacturer is northrop grumman technical services.

03/17/2025 04:02pm
5845-00-020-2749 Pressure Roll

pressure roll nsn 5845000202749. the manufacturer is l3 aviation products inc.

03/17/2025 04:02pm
NSN 1560-00-019-9585 Aircraft Structural Plate

aircraft structural plate nsn 1560000199585. the overall length is 44.6in. ⁓44-39/64. the overall width is 34 inches. the end item identification is b-52 bomber airplane.

03/17/2025 01:59pm
NSN 1560-00-019-7334 Main Landin Upper Swivel Bracket

nsn 1560000197334. main landin upper swivel bracket made of steel. manufactured by lockheed martin corporation. the cage code is 98897. part series is 389044. cross reference part is 389044-1.

03/17/2025 01:59pm
NSN 6220-00-019-7333 Light Transmitt Indicating Panel

nsn 6220000197333. light transmitt indicating panel. the cage codes for this nsn are 15952 & 98897. the part series is 372042. the cross reference part is 372042-7. manufactured by lockheed martin corporation.

03/17/2025 01:30pm
NSN 1560-00-019-7331 Ramp Actuating Fitting Assembly

nsn 1560000197331. ramp actuating fitting assembly. manufactured by lockheed martin corporation. the cage code is 98897. the part series are: 341058 341058l & 341058r.

03/17/2025 01:30pm
NSN 5895-00-019-3419 Converter Control

converter control nsn 5895000193419. the case material is steel. the maximum voltage rating in volts is 115 ac. the inclosure type is encased.

03/17/2025 01:30pm
1615-00-021-2701 Trans Shaft Adapter

trans shaft adapter nsn 1615000212701. another reference number is 114d3243-1. the cage code is 77272.

03/13/2025 09:27am
NSN 5910-00-021-2684 Plastic Dielectr Fixed Capacitor

plastic dielectr fixed capacitor nsn 5910000212684. terminal type and quantity: 2 uninsulated wire lead. dielectric material: plastic. case material: plastic

03/13/2025 09:27am
NSN 5935-00-021-2647 Electrical Connector Assembly

electrical connector assembly nsn 5935000212647. another reference number is 50-345755. the cage code is 70898.

03/13/2025 09:27am
NSN 5935-00-021-2643 Electrical Connector Assembly

electrical connector assembly nsn 5935000212643. another reference number is 50-345734. the cage code is 70898.

03/13/2025 09:00am
NSN 5905-00-021-2595 Nonwire Wound Variable Resistor

nonwire wound variable resistor nsn 5905000212595. terminal type and quantity: 3 pin clamp. standard taper curve per section: a single section. actuator travel control feature: stops.

03/13/2025 09:00am
NSN 6625-00-021-2587 Scoop Paper

scoop paper nsn 6625000212587. another reference number is 313320.the cage code is 3slk7.

03/13/2025 09:00am
NSN 5965-00-021-2540 Permanent Magnet Loudspeaker

permanent magnet loudspeaker nsn 5965000212540. 4 is the mounting facility quantity. 0.875 inches is the voice coil diameter. 2.25 inches is the transducer diameter.

03/12/2025 11:10am
6710-00-021-2528 Assembly Cover

assembly cover nsn 6710000212528. the end item identification is camera motion picture silent bel l and howell co (06650) model number 70hr.

03/12/2025 10:41am
5330-00-021-1195 Preformed Packing

preformed packing nsn 5330000211195. manufactured by honeywell international inc. the cage codes are 55284 & 06848. the cross reference part is 951789. the part series is 9517.

03/12/2025 10:41am
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