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NSN 5950-00-019-8190 Frequency Transformer

frequency rating 2.55 kilohertz single component body length 1.187 inches

02/05/2025 08:29am
1680-00-019-8181 Seat Leg Fitting

seat leg fitting nsn 1680000198181.

02/05/2025 08:29am
NSN 5970-00-019-8179 Disk Insulator

plastic material overall height 0.02 inches

02/05/2025 08:01am
1680-00-019-8178 Floor Attaching Bar

floor attaching bar nsn 1680000198178.

02/05/2025 08:01am
NSN 4820-00-019-8175 Valve

maximum operating temp 450 degrees fahrenheit single response stainless steel body material

02/05/2025 08:01am
5315-00-019-8342 Lock Pin Assembly

survival kit

02/05/2025 07:30am
5330-00-019-8127 Gasket

cross-sectional shape style no.195 irregular shape from fiig a03200

02/05/2025 07:30am
4730-00-019-8125 Pipe Plug

61n aircraft phantom f-4

02/05/2025 07:30am
2010-00-019-8123 Shaft Gland

shaft gland nsn 2010000198123.

02/05/2025 07:02am
2010-00-019-8121 Shaft Gland

copper alloy per federal specification qq-c-390 125 micro in. finish o/a except outer rim twelve 0.812 in. diameter mtg holes equally spaced on 22.875 in. bc dia 20.281 in. id 0.875 in. o/a thk

02/05/2025 07:02am
5970-00-019-8119 Suspension Insulator

identification code color green

02/05/2025 07:02am
5930-00-019-8118 Terminal Assembly

silver-tungsten 100 ampere

02/05/2025 06:30am
5999-00-019-8117 Electrical Contact

copper material

02/05/2025 06:30am
NSN 5999-00-019-8116 Contact

overall length 1.044in. ⁓1-3/64 tungsten carbide body and contact material

02/05/2025 06:30am
5999-00-019-8115 Electrical Contact

silver contact and tungsten contact material

02/05/2025 06:02am
3950-00-019-8114 Hoist Trolley

hoist trolley nsn 3950000198114.

02/05/2025 06:02am
2810-00-019-8006 Intake Valve Seat

intake valve seat nsn 2810000198006.

02/05/2025 06:02am
1560-00-019-7999 Transport Joint Adapter

5.8 in. lg 4.42 in. min 4.43 in. max w 14 mtg holes 0.219 in. dia

02/05/2025 05:31am
1560-00-019-7998 Transport Joint Adapter

5.8 in. lg 4.215 in. min 4.225 in. max w 14 mtg holes 0.219 in. dia

02/05/2025 05:31am
NSN 3120-00-019-8023 Bearing

overall length 0.25in. ⁓1/4 aluminum material

02/05/2025 05:31am
5315-00-019-8022 Locking Pin

locking pin nsn 5315000198022.

02/05/2025 05:00am
5340-00-019-8021 Butt Hinge Leaf

butt hinge leaf nsn 5340000198021.

02/05/2025 05:00am
5340-00-019-8020 Butt Hinge Leaf

overall length 23.29in. ⁓23-19/64

02/05/2025 05:00am
NSN 5310-00-019-8019 Plain Nut

countersink angle 90 degrees nut steel material

02/04/2025 06:54pm
NSN 5340-00-019-8012 Tension Clip

overall height 0.3 inches steel material

02/04/2025 06:54pm
NSN 1560-00-019-8011 Aircraft Fluid Manifold

aluminum material overall length 4.76in. ⁓4-49/64

02/04/2025 06:54pm
2840-00-019-8009 Turbine Nozzle Retainer Assembly

cres ams5510 rockwell 30t scale 76 max hardness 14.85 in. min 14.88 in. max od 12.78 in. min 12.785 in. max id 2.25 in. nom o/a lg 44 holes 0.22 in. nom diameter through support flange equally spaced on 14.25in. bolt circle dia 24 holes 0.06 in.

02/04/2025 06:28pm
2810-00-019-8008 Intake Valve Seat

intake valve seat nsn 2810000198008.

02/04/2025 06:28pm
2810-00-019-8007 Intake Valve Seat

intake valve seat nsn 2810000198007.

02/04/2025 06:28pm
2810-00-019-8005 Haust Valve E Seat

haust valve e seat nsn 2810000198005.

02/04/2025 05:57pm
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