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NSN 5340-00-019-5221 Webbing Strap

webbing strap nsn 5340000195221. the buckle material is iron. the buckle surface treatment is on end. the fastened buckle feature is on end.

02/01/2025 04:25pm
NSN 5340-00-019-5220 Webbing Strap

webbing strap nsn 5340000195220. the end type is plain. the attachment method for which designed is sewed. the fold type is loose.

02/01/2025 04:25pm
NSN 1430-00-019-5215 Indicator Panel

u s army aviation and missile

02/01/2025 03:55pm
NSN 6210-00-019-5207 Indicator Light Filter

grimes aerospace company nsn 6210000195207.

02/01/2025 03:25pm
NSN 4935-00-019-5206 Crystal Simulator Network

consist of two connectors three resistors 2.812 in. length 1.344 in. width 0.969 in. height

02/01/2025 03:25pm
Circuit Card Assembly NSN 5998-00-019-4999

grimes aerospace company circuit card assembly. has 6 transistors 33 resistors 2 relays 12 capacitors 1 connector. nsn 5998000194999.

02/01/2025 03:25pm
NSN 5895-00-019-6290 Modulator Subassembly

modulator subassembly nsn 5895000196290. the end item identification is beacon set radio navigation set. the component type and quantity is 1 connector and 1 knob and 1 microcircuit and 1 ring.

02/01/2025 02:47pm
1660-00-019-7586 Yge Aneroid O Cover

yge aneroid o cover nsn 1660000197586.

02/01/2025 02:47pm
1660-00-019-7585 Ygen R Valve O Stem

ygen r valve o stem nsn 1660000197585.

02/01/2025 02:09pm
1660-00-019-7584 Ygen R Valve O Stem

ygen r valve o stem nsn 1660000197584.

02/01/2025 02:09pm
1660-00-019-7583 Y Diaphragm O Cover

y diaphragm o cover nsn 1660000197583.

02/01/2025 02:09pm
1660-00-019-7582 Ygen O Aneroid Assy

ygen o aneroid assy nsn 1660000197582.

02/01/2025 01:32pm
2540-00-019-7426 Vehicular Door Latch

cast aluminum alloy latch

02/01/2025 01:32pm
1660-00-019-7587 Ygen Regu O Fitting

ygen regu o fitting nsn 1660000197587.

02/01/2025 01:32pm
1650-00-019-7588 Control Dampe Valve

f-104g acft

02/01/2025 01:04pm
1660-00-019-7589 Surv Pipe Line Assy

surv pipe line assy nsn 1660000197589.

02/01/2025 01:04pm
1660-00-019-7590 Surv Pipe Line Assy

surv pipe line assy nsn 1660000197590.

02/01/2025 01:04pm
1660-00-019-7592 Surv Pipe Line Assy

surv pipe line assy nsn 1660000197592.

02/01/2025 12:37pm
1660-00-019-7593 Pipe Line Assy Surv

pipe line assy surv nsn 1660000197593.

02/01/2025 12:37pm
1660-00-019-7591 Yg O Pipe Line Assy

yg o pipe line assy nsn 1660000197591.

02/01/2025 12:37pm
1660-00-019-7581 Ygen R O Valve Seat

ygen r o valve seat nsn 1660000197581.

02/01/2025 12:10pm
1660-00-019-7580 O Survival Kit Hose

o survival kit hose nsn 1660000197580.

02/01/2025 12:10pm
1660-00-019-7579 Ygen R O Repair Kit

ygen r o repair kit nsn 1660000197579.

02/01/2025 12:10pm
1660-00-019-7578 Ygen R O Repair Kit

ygen r o repair kit nsn 1660000197578.

02/01/2025 11:41am
1660-00-019-7577 Y Dampening O Plate

y dampening o plate nsn 1660000197577.

02/01/2025 11:41am
1560-00-019-7456 Engi Cover Assembly

aircraft model sh-3a

02/01/2025 11:41am
5998-00-019-7455 Electronic Components Assembly

electronic components assembly nsn 5998000197455.

02/01/2025 11:10am
5365-00-019-7448 Bushing

bushing nsn 5365000197448.

02/01/2025 11:10am
2540-00-019-7434 Air Defroster Blower

7.83 in.largest dia 400 cfm at 3800 rpm w/motor 24 v dc current

02/01/2025 11:10am
1560-00-019-7432 Engine Starter Cover Assembly

aircraft model sh-3a

02/01/2025 10:36am
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