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NSN 5305-00-019-3925 Hexagon Head Cap Screw

hexagon head cap screw nsn 5305000193925. the thread class is 2a. the thread direction is right-hand. the thread length is between 1.75in. and 1.938in. ⁓1-3/4.

01/28/2025 02:10pm
NSN 5360-00-019-3921 Compression Helical Spring

compression helical spring nsn 5360000193921. the coil quantity is 18. the coil quantity is 18. the spring free length is 1.56 inches

01/28/2025 02:10pm
NSN 3040-00-019-3919 Straight Shaft

straight shaft nsn 3040000193919. the first end style is plain. the end similarity is not identical. the second end style is circular grooved.

01/28/2025 01:41pm
NSN 4820-00-019-3245 Gaseou Pressure Equalizing Valve

gaseou pressure equalizing valve nsn 4820000193245. the body material is aluminum. the body style is single connection straight flow. the media for which designed is air.

01/28/2025 01:09pm
NSN 3455-00-019-4326 Cutter Bit

nsn 3455000194326.

01/28/2025 01:09pm
NSN 4820-00-019-4260 Drain Cock

nsn 4820000194260.

01/28/2025 12:37pm
NSN 5340-00-019-4241 Tension Clip

nsn 5340000194241.

01/28/2025 12:04pm
NSN 3455-00-019-4239 Cutter Bit

nsn 3455000194239.

01/28/2025 12:04pm
NSN 3455-00-019-4237 Cutter Bit

nsn 3455000194237.

01/28/2025 11:31am
NSN 3455-00-019-4234 Cutter Bit

nsn 3455000194234.

01/28/2025 11:00am
NSN 6625-00-019-4060 Ammeter

ammeter nsn 6625000194060. the circuit current for which designed is dc. the overall length is 1.72in. ⁓1-47/64. the mounting hole diameter is 0.16 inches.

01/28/2025 11:00am
NSN 4935-00-019-4029 Missile System Te Calibrator Set

missile system te calibrator set nsn 4935000194029. the end item identification is aim-9b sidewinder missile. the reference data and literature is t.o. 33d9-54-7-31.

01/28/2025 10:30am
NSN 5975-00-019-4024 Electrical-electronic Eq Chassis

electrical-electronic eq chassis nsn 5975000194024. the mounting provision is turnlock fastener and unthreaded hole. the overall depth is 12.652 inches. the overall height is 7.625 inches.

01/28/2025 10:00am
NSN 6150-00-019-3929 Cable Assembly

nsn 6150000193929.

01/28/2025 10:00am
NSN 5320-00-019-3235 Solid Rivet

solid rivet nsn 5320000193235. the fastener length is 2.5in. ⁓2-1/2. the head style is button. the head height is between 0.562in. and 0.593in. ⁓19/32.

01/28/2025 09:29am
NSN 6240-00-019-3186 Lamp

nsn 6240000193186.

01/28/2025 08:55am
NSN 5840-00-019-3171 Amplifier-mi

nsn 5840000193171.

01/28/2025 08:55am
NSN 5950-00-019-3163 Transformer

nsn 5950000193163.

01/28/2025 08:25am
5950-00-019-3162 Radio Frequency Transformer

radio frequency transformer nsn 5950000193162.

01/28/2025 07:56am
3120-00-019-2936 Sleeve Bushing

sleeve bushing nsn 3120000192936.

01/28/2025 07:56am
NSN 3040-00-019-3920 Straight Shaft

nsn 3040000193920. the first end style is plain. the end similarity is not identical. the second end style is circular grooved.

01/28/2025 07:29am
NSN 5360-00-019-3906 Torsion Helical Spring

torsion helical spring nsn 5360000193906. the inside diameter is 0.25 inches. the hook opening width is 0.176 inches. the end style is offset hinge end left side second end.

01/28/2025 07:29am
NSN 5905-00-019-4772 Non Wire Wound Variable Resistor

resistor nsn 5905000194772. the shaft diameter is 0.25 inches. the shaft length is 6 inches. the actuator type is single shaft.

01/28/2025 07:29am
NSN 5950-00-019-4766 Radio Frequency Transformer

nsn 5950000194766. the inductance rating is 0.65 microhenries single component single secondary. the frequency rating is 25 megahertz single component. the body length is 0.07 inches.

01/28/2025 06:30am
4730-00-019-4727 Pipe To Hose Elbow

leg length 1.25 inches 1st end

01/28/2025 06:30am
NSN 5910-00-019-4723 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

nonderated operating temp between -55 degrees celsius and 85 degrees celsius

01/28/2025 06:30am
NSN 7040-00-019-4699 Assembly Field

valcor engineering nsn 7040000194699.

01/28/2025 05:32am
NSN 2930-00-019-4696 Water Outl Manifold

mtu america nsn 2930000194696.

01/28/2025 05:32am
4140-00-019-4686 Axial Fan Impeller

diameter 4 inches

01/28/2025 05:32am
NSN 5342-00-019-4693 Oil Pump Ou Bracket

mtu america nsn 5342000194693.

01/28/2025 05:00am
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