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NSN 5930-00-017-8284 Switch Actuator Adapter

switch actuator adapter nsn 5930000178284. the actuator adapter style is roller leaf

01/04/2025 06:07pm
NSN 1560-00-017-8274 Cowling

cowling nsn 1560000178274. the aircraft location is side cowling assembly

01/04/2025 06:07pm
NSN 4010-00-017-8267 Cable Assembly

cable assembly nsn 4010000178267. the end item identification is aviation uh-1

01/04/2025 06:07pm
7040-00-019-1987 Star Wheel

star wheel nsn 7040000191987.

01/04/2025 05:35pm
5975-00-019-1781 Interconnecting Box

interconnecting box nsn 5975000191781. the overall height is 4.31 inches. the overall width is 7 inches. the end item identification is p-3 acft.

01/04/2025 05:35pm
3040-00-019-1976 Gear-shaft

gear-shaft nsn 3040000191976.

01/04/2025 05:06pm
3040-00-019-2218 Spur Gearshaft

spur gearshaft nsn 3040000192218.

01/04/2025 05:06pm
1560-00-019-1667 Radiation Absorber

radiation absorber nsn 1560000191667.

01/04/2025 04:36pm
6220-00-019-1650 Cap Assembly

cap assembly nsn 6220000191650.

01/04/2025 04:36pm
6220-00-019-1642 Hot Contact

hot contact nsn 6220000191642.

01/04/2025 04:36pm
1560-00-019-1625 Forwar Panel Filler

forwar panel filler nsn 1560000191625.

01/04/2025 04:06pm
1560-00-019-1624 Forward Panel Filler

p-3 aircraft

01/04/2025 04:06pm
1560-00-019-1623 Forwar Panel Filler

forwar panel filler nsn 1560000191623.

01/04/2025 04:06pm
NSN 4130-00-017-8263 Air Conditioning Filter Element

air conditioning filter element nsn 4130000178263. the overall width is 4.0 inches

01/04/2025 03:36pm
NSN 5821-00-017-8262 Radio Receiver

radio receiver nsn 5821000178262. the output impedance rating is 3300.0 ohms

01/04/2025 03:36pm
NSN 5996-00-017-8261 Intermediate Frequency Amplifier

intermediate frequency amplifier nsn 5996000178261. the overall length is 4.438in. ⁓4-29/64

01/04/2025 03:36pm
1560-00-019-1622 Forwar Panel Filler

forwar panel filler nsn 1560000191622.

01/04/2025 03:01pm
1095-00-019-1620 Control Panel

aircraft model p-3

01/04/2025 03:01pm
5975-00-019-1619 Interconnecting Box item

01/04/2025 03:01pm
1560-00-019-1617 Aircraft Parts Kit

aircraft parts kit nsn 1560000191617.

01/04/2025 02:31pm
1560-00-019-1616 Plate Assembly

p-3 aircraft

01/04/2025 02:31pm
3120-00-019-1615 Baggage Doo Bearing

baggage doo bearing nsn 3120000191615.

01/04/2025 02:31pm
1560-00-019-1613 Static Strap Support

static strap support nsn 1560000191613.

01/04/2025 02:00pm
1095-00-019-1612 Control Panel

aircraft model p-3

01/04/2025 02:00pm
1095-00-019-1611 Control Panel

aircraft model p-3

01/04/2025 02:00pm
NSN 4931-00-017-8260 Boresight Knob Torque Adapter

boresight knob torque adapter nsn 4931000178260. the general characteristics item description is item c/o bracket material: steel carbon c.r; adapter material: steel carbon c.r; bolt eye material: steel carbon coml

01/04/2025 01:27pm
NSN 6685-00-017-8258 Thermocouple Temperature Indicator

thermocouple temperature indicator nsn 6685000178258. the diameter is 2.0 inches

01/04/2025 01:27pm
NSN 6645-00-017-8252 Sequential Timer

sequential timer nsn 6645000178252. the overall depth is 9.344 inches

01/04/2025 01:27pm
1095-00-019-1610 Control Panel

aircraft model p-3

01/04/2025 12:59pm
5975-00-019-1605 Interconnecting Box item

01/04/2025 12:59pm
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