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NSN 5961-00-018-9193 Diode Semiconductor Device

american shizuki corporation. diode semiconductor device nsn 5961000189193.

01/08/2025 03:34pm
NSN 5935-00-018-9183 Plug-in Electronic Compon Socket

cinch connectors inc. plug-in electronic compon socket nsn 5935000189183.

01/08/2025 03:05pm
NSN 5930-00-018-9182 Rotary Switch

crl components inc. rotary switch nsn 5930000189182.

01/08/2025 03:05pm
NSN 5905-00-018-9179 Non Wire Wound Variable Resistor

cts corp berne div thick film. non wire wound variable resistor nsn 5905000189179.

01/08/2025 03:05pm
NSN 5910-00-018-9176 Plastic Dielectr Fixed Capacitor

exxelia dearborn inc. plastic dielectr fixed capacitor nsn 5910000189176.

01/08/2025 02:34pm
NSN 5360-00-018-9109 Circuit Brea Spring

general electric co. circuit brea spring nsn 5360000189109.

01/08/2025 02:34pm
NSN 5910-00-018-9175 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

spx corporation. electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000189175.

01/08/2025 02:34pm
NSN 6110-00-018-9112 Magnetic Contactor

cooper industries inc. magnetic contactor nsn 6110000189112.

01/08/2025 02:05pm
NSN 5905-00-018-9096 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

teledyne controls llc. wire wound fixed resistor nsn 5905000189096.

01/08/2025 02:05pm
6240-00-019-3125 Incandescent Lamp

overall length between 1.438in. ⁓1-29/64

01/08/2025 02:05pm
NSN 1730-00-017-9087 Aircraft Maintenance Sling

aircraft maintenance sling nsn 1730000179087. the end item identification is tf39 engine age

01/08/2025 01:31pm
Assembled Washer Screw NSN 5305-00-017-9085

assembled washer screw nsn 5305000179085. the hardness rating is 40.0 rockwell c and 52.0 rockwell c

01/08/2025 01:31pm
NSN 6625-00-017-8981 Multimeter

multimeter nsn 6625000178981. the overall length is 12.75in. ⁓12-3/4

01/08/2025 01:31pm
NSN 6240-00-019-3120 Incandescent Lamp

voltage rating 5.5 volts

01/08/2025 12:57pm
NSN 5950-00-019-3119 Power Transformer

frequency rating 400 hertz single component

01/08/2025 12:57pm
5998-00-019-3098 Circuit Card Assembly

overall length 7in. ⁓7-1/64

01/08/2025 12:26pm
5330-00-019-2946 Gasket

outside diameter 0.674 inches

01/08/2025 11:58am
5306-00-019-2945 Machine Bolt

fastener length 2in. ⁓2-1/64

01/08/2025 11:58am
NSN 4920-00-017-8948 Access Cov Computer

access cov computer nsn 4920000178948. the end item identification is b-52 aircraft

01/08/2025 11:30am
NSN 5821-00-017-8936 Radio Set Control

radio set control nsn 5821000178936. the end item identification is an/asq-19 -88

01/08/2025 11:30am
NSN 5895-00-017-8935 Radio Ident Receiver-transmitter

radio ident receiver-transmitter nsn 5895000178935. the overall length is 21.218in. ⁓21-7/32

01/08/2025 11:30am
5340-00-019-2938 Padlock

overall width 1.125 inches

01/08/2025 10:53am
2920-00-019-2937 Ignition Distribution Cap

ignition distribution cap nsn 2920000192937.

01/08/2025 10:24am
NSN 5340-00-019-2760 Access Cover

nsn 5340000192760. the body thickness is 0.04 inches. the special features is part of housing cover assembly for main fuel control model mc-16 j69-t29 aircraft engine.

01/08/2025 10:24am
5950-00-019-3118 Potential Transformer

frequency rating 2 kilohertz single component and 3.5 kilohertz single component

01/08/2025 10:24am
5950-00-019-3121 Reactor

body outside diameter 4 inches

01/08/2025 09:56am
NSN 5895-00-017-8934 Pulse Decoder

pulse decoder nsn 5895000178934. the overall length is 22.5in. ⁓22-1/2

01/08/2025 09:28am
Gasket NSN 5330-00-017-8918

gasket nsn 5330000178918. the aperture diameter is 2.71 inches

01/08/2025 09:28am
NSN 6665-00-017-8903 Radiac Set

radiac set nsn 6665000178903. the voltage in volts is 9.0

01/08/2025 09:28am
5815-00-019-2949 Teletypewriter Perforator

teletypewriter perforator nsn 5815000192949.

01/08/2025 08:57am
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