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NSN 5330-00-017-8782 Gasket

gasket nsn 5330000178782. the aperture diameter is 1.31 inches

01/07/2025 05:30am
NSN 5330-00-017-8771 Gasket

gasket nsn 5330000178771. the hole diameter is 0.36in. ⁓3/8

01/07/2025 05:30am
6720-00-018-7987 Gear Assemb Support

bourns instruments inc gear assemb support. nsn 6720000187987.

01/06/2025 06:41pm
NSN 3433-00-018-8129 Torch Tip

copper torch tip nsn 3433000188129.

01/06/2025 06:41pm
NSN 3433-00-018-8128 Torch Tip

copper torch tip. nsn 3433000188128.

01/06/2025 06:41pm
NSN 5305-00-017-8755 Assembled Washer Screw

assembled washer screw nsn 5305000178755. the fastener length is 0.625in. ⁓5/8

01/06/2025 06:11pm
NSN 5120-00-017-8747 Spanner Wrench

spanner wrench nsn 5120000178747. the overall length is 5.625in. ⁓5-5/8

01/06/2025 06:11pm
NSN 5305-00-017-8743 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000178743. the head diameter is between 0.452 inches and 0.57 inches

01/06/2025 06:11pm
NSN 5305-00-018-9737 Machine Screw

federal specifications. machine screw nsn 5305000189737.

01/06/2025 05:07pm
NSN 5305-00-018-9736 Machine Screw

general motors llc. machine screw nsn 5305000189736.

01/06/2025 05:07pm
NSN 5999-00-018-9732 Electrical Contact

westinghouse electric corp. electrical contact nsn 5999000189732.

01/06/2025 05:07pm
NSN 5961-00-018-9196 Diode Semiconductor Device

butler national corp. diode semiconductor device nsn 5961000189196.

01/06/2025 04:37pm
NSN 5305-00-019-2275 Socket Head Cap Screw

socket head cap screw nsn 5305000192275. the head style is flat chamfer. the fastener length is 0.75in. ⁓3/4. the internal drive style is hexagon.

01/06/2025 04:37pm
NSN 5305-00-019-2236 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000192236. the fastener length is 0.625in. ⁓5/8. the head style is pan. the head diameter is between 0.473 inches and 0.492 inches.

01/06/2025 04:37pm
5910-00-018-9076 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000189076.

01/06/2025 04:11pm
NSN 5305-00-017-8707 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000178707. the thread length is between 0.132in. and 0.188in. ⁓13/64

01/06/2025 03:41pm
NSN 5895-00-017-8700 Signal Data Converter Group

signal data converter group nsn 5895000178700. the furnished items is keyer; frequency converter; powersupply; oscillator assembly

01/06/2025 03:41pm
NSN 5310-00-017-8687 Lock Washer

lock washer nsn 5310000178687. the hole diameter is 0.326in. ⁓21/64

01/06/2025 03:41pm
NSN 5910-00-018-9075 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

trueblood inc. electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000189075.

01/06/2025 03:09pm
NSN 5365-00-019-2591 Shim

shim nsn 5365000192591. the aperture diameter is between 7.37 inches and 7.4 inches. the outside corner radius is between 0.24 inches and 0.27 inches. the outside corner inverted radius is between 0.49 inches and 0.52 inches.

01/06/2025 03:09pm
NSN 5910-00-018-8761 Mica Dielectric Fixed Capacitor

military specifications. mica dielectric fixed capacitor nsn 5910000188761.

01/06/2025 02:42pm
NSN 5910-00-018-8752 Mica Dielectric Fixed Capacitor

military specifications. mica dielectric fixed capacitor nsn 5910000188752.

01/06/2025 02:42pm
NSN 5910-00-018-8751 Mica Dielectric Fixed Capacitor

military specifications. mica dielectric fixed capacitor nsn 5910000188751.

01/06/2025 02:13pm
NSN 5920-00-018-9729 Fuseholder Spring

westinghouse electric corp. fuseholder spring nsn 5920000189729.

01/06/2025 02:13pm
NSN 5920-00-018-9724 Block Fuseholder

raytheon company. block fuseholder nsn 5920000189724.

01/06/2025 02:13pm
NSN 5325-00-017-8683 Retaining Ring

retaining ring nsn 5325000178683. the outside diameter is 3.25 inches

01/06/2025 01:45pm
NSN 5320-00-017-8457 Solid Rivet

solid rivet nsn 5320000178457. the fastener length is 0.312in. ⁓5/16

01/06/2025 01:45pm
NSN 4820-00-017-8454 Directional Control Linear Valve

directional control linear valve nsn 4820000178454. the end item identification is grumman aircraft a-10

01/06/2025 01:45pm
NSN 5930-00-018-9708 Toggle Switch

carling technologies inc. toggle switch nsn 5930000189708.

01/06/2025 01:09pm
NSN 5998-00-018-9706 Circuit Card Assembly

espey mfg. & electronics corp. circuit card assembly nsn 5998000189706.

01/06/2025 01:09pm
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